Chetco River Fish Report for 1-6-2018
Chetco Steel
Chetco River - Brookings, OR (Curry County)

by Mario Gomez
The winter steelhead season is getting started on all of west coast rivers. We fished the chetco today and did well. Most guide boats got 2 to 4 fish to hand. The coast took a pretty good spat of rain yesterday so the rivers seen a little bump and fish started moving in. At the end of the day we took out pretty low and at the take out 3 sea lions were having a hay day eating the @$%& out of the fish. They were chasing fish all over the place so the ones that got away should be hungry tomorrow from running for their lives all day.
Here is a bruzer from today he taped at 31 inches long. This fish put up one hell of a fight, he made 7 drag peeling runs, and came out of the water 4 times. After a 10 minute scrap he finally showed us his belly and got scooped up in the net. This is what we wait all year for folks, the adrenilin and exitment kept us on the edge of our seat all day. See you on the crick my friends.
Mario Gomez is a Northern California and Southern Oregon professional fishing guide that chases salmon, trout, and steelhead on the most productive rivers in the Northwest. Pro guide Mario Gomez has spent his entire life fishing the Klamath River, but also follows the circuit and targets the California and Oregon coastal streams each year. If you are interested in fishing the Klamath River, Smith River, Chetco River, Umpqua River and Rogue River click on the website and book your trip today. To learn more about Mario visit Ironhead Guide Service, you can also find him on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or call him anytime @ (530) 598-0530.
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