Fish Report for 1-9-2018
ODFW seeking comment on Jewell Meadows management plan update

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is seeking public comment on the newly updated Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area Long Range Management Plan, which will guide activities and management decisions at the wildlife area over the coming decade.
Wildlife area staff will host an open house to go over the plan and answer questions on Wednesday, Jan. 17 from 4-7 p.m. at the Jewell School Library, located at 83874 Hwy. 103, Seaside, Ore.
The new plan is an update to the 2007 Long Range Management Plan. No major changes are reflected in the updated plan, according to Bryan Swearingen, wildlife area manager. The new planning document includes a summary of accomplishments over the past 10 years, along with changes to some management strategies based on completed projects.
A copy of the updated plan will be available at the open house. In addition, electronic copies are available online.
Public comments may be submitted in person at the open house, by mail, or by e-mail.
To request an electronic copy (pdf) of the draft plan or to submit public comments please email
To submit comments in writing please mail to:
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area
79878 Highway 202
Seaside, OR 97138
For additional information please contact wildlife area staff at 503-755-2264 or Rick Swart, public information officer, at 971-673-6070.
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