Fish Report for 3-14-2018
ODFW Recreation Report Highlights

Winter steelhead ain’t over yet
Though many winter steelhead runs have peaked, this can be a good time to hit the water. There are still lots of fish available, but many anglers have moved on to other opportunities, leaving more water for you.
Time to gear up for spring Chinook
Some anglers wait all year for spring Chinook season, and reports of early fish being caught are coming in from the lower Columbia, North Umpqua and lower Rogue rivers. To follow any in-season regulation changes on the Columbia River, check out the regulation update section at the top of the Columbia Zone of the Recreation Report.
Report late season hunts
Hunters with tags valid for Jan. 1-March 31 have until April 15 to report on their tag. There are several ways to report, including online.
2018 trout stocking schedule
It’s easy to find a trout stocking location near you using our new interactive stocking schedule. Filter by zone or date, or search for a specific waterbody. A link to the 2018 stocking schedule for each place listed in the weekly Recreation Report is now included at the bottom of each update.
Take a hunter education class or field day
Get a jump on the upcoming hunting season and take your hunter education course now. There are several ways to take a class, all require a field day for hunters under 18. Register for classes and field days online. Hunter education is required for all Oregon hunters 18 and under, and is required for adult hunters in many popular, nearby states.
More Reports
ODFW and partners building fishing dock at Cape Meares Lake
Cape Meares Lake
The Tillamook Anglers, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), and Tillamook County have partnered to place a new fishing...... Read More
Commission meets March 16 meeting in Salem

The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet at ODFW Headquarters, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem on Friday March 16 beginning...... Read More

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