Yaquina River Fish Report for 4-19-2018
Port to Port Clean Up on the Yaquina River on April 21
Yaquina River - Newport, OR

The U DA MAN volunteer group along with Oregon SOLVE and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will host the second annual Port to Port Yaquina River Clean Up on Saturday, April 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Volunteers will meet at the Port of Toledo airport boat ramp on the South Bay Road at 9 a.m.
Some volunteers will be shuttled by boat to river bank locations only accessible from the water. Other volunteers will pick up trash along both sides of the river from adjoining roadways. Last year, volunteers collected an estimated 3500 pounds of trash. Volunteers should dress for the weather and bring their own work gloves and lunches.
If you would like to volunteer operation of your boat or plan to work on foot, please RSVP to Barb Dudley (541) 272-7375. This project is sponsored by the Ports of Toledo and Newport, Oregon SOLVE, Dahl Disposal, Englund Marine Supply, and Longview Hills Fishing Club.
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