John Day River Fish Report for 3-27-2019
Steelhead Are Now Present
John Day River - Dayville, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Summer steelhead are present throughout the John Day River, but we expect below average numbers of steelhead returning to the basin this season.
Steelhead are now present in mid and upper reaches of the John Day, but recent run-off and precipitation are making conditions very challenging for fishing. Flows are high and water clarity has been poor recently. Check USGS stream flow gages before heading out.
Most steelhead will be wild and must be released. To help reduce stress on wild steelhead anglers are encouraged to play and land fish as quickly as possible, use barbless hooks, and do not remove fish from the water. Anglers are encouraged to keep up to three hatchery steelhead per day.
Bull trout are also present in the river but in low numbers. If caught they must be released unharmed.
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