Rogue River - Middle Fish Report for 5-1-2019
Rogue River Middle Report
Rogue River - Middle - Grants Pass, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Trout fishing in the Rogue is closed but will reopen May 22.
Anglers were catching bright winter fish before the rain arrived and now that the river is back into shape fishing is ok. Both bank anglers fishing plugs and side-planners, and boat anglers are catching fish. Recent reports indicated plugs, eggs and yarn balls all producing winter fish from boats.
More hatchery spring Chinook have reportedly been caught in this section as well and many more should be arriving soon. Based on reports from the lower river, expect a good push of hatchery and wild spring Chinook to hit the middle Rogue very soon.
Fly anglers that nymph will want to use prince nymphs or copperswans, steelhead brassies, stone flies, ugly bugs, or will want to fish large dark flies if swinging. Don’t be afraid of color such as black and chartreuse, black and blue, black and purple, black and pink, or black and red. If tying your own flies, don’t be afraid to add a little bit of flash dubbing or tinsel in the body of your fly. Also, covering lots of water when working through a run is a good technique when swinging flies. Trying moving 4-5 feet downstream every cast or two.
Popular floats include: Gold Hill to Rogue River, Baker to Lathrop or Ferry Hole, or Griffin Park to Robertson Bridge.
Boaters floating from Hog Creek to Graves Creek should be familiar with the rapids in this section of river, and know their takeouts. Experienced oarsmen/woman are recommended here. There are many BLM public access points to bank fish from Hog Creek to Graves Creek. This is often referred to the “Galice area”.
As of Wednesday morning, the flow in Grants Pass was approximately 4,450 cfs. River clarity is currently 4 NTUs. For those interested in checking conditions before getting on the river, the City of Grants Pass Water Division’s website offers information on river conditions at Grants Pass as well as a link to a river camera.
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Delintment Lake: Delintment Lake Report
Hyatt Lake: Fishing is Fair
Howard Prairie Reservoir:
Fish Lake : Fish Lake Fishing Report
Wood River: Fishing Remains Fair
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Lots of Trout Around
Coos River: Coos Bay River Basin Fishing Update
Empire Lake Upper: Empire Lake Fishing Report
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Willow Valley Reservoir: Largemouth bass Fishing Can Be Good in May
Coquille River: American Shad Run Beginning Soon
Tenmile Lakes: Conditions Are Prime
Umpqua River: Umpqua River Fishing Report
Rogue River- Lower: Rogue River Lower Report
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, April 24th, 2019Delintment Lake: Delintment Lake Report
Krumbo Reservoir: Bass Fishing Will Improve
Wood River: Fishing is Fair
Owyhee Reservoir: Fishing For Warmwater Species Has Been Fair
Mann Lake: Some Water and Fish Have Survived
Sprague River: River is Open To Fish
Phillips Reservoir: Phillips Reservoir Report
Klamath River - Middle: JC Boyle Reservoir is No Longer Spilling
Klamath River - Upper - CA:
Nestucca River: Few Early Summer Steelhead Showing Up
Coos River: Steelhead Returns Are Winding Down
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Lots of Trout
Fish Lake : Fishing Should Be Good
Rogue River- Upper: Upper Rogue is in Good Shape
Tenmile Lakes: Fishing Conditions Are Improving
Umpqua River: Spring Chinook Should Be in The River
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Willamette River: Spring Chinook Fishing is in Full Swing
Clackamas River: Steelhead Fishing Conditions Improved
Trojan Ponds: Family Fishing Event on April 27

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