Middle Rogue Fishing Report

Rogue River - Middle - Grants Pass, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Chinook fishing above Hog Creek closed on Sept. 30. 

As of Nov. 1, the artificial fly and lure season is in effect from Fishers Ferry to Shady Cove boat ramp through the end of the year. Bait is allowed in the remainder of the Rogue.

Late-run summer steelhead and half-pounders are being caught in the Galice area and Robertson Bridge area. Between Gold Hill and Rogue River is also a good float for this time of year, as many summer steelhead streams are in this vicinity and fish are currently staging.

Locally-owned and operated tackle stores in Grants Pass have excellent gear and very fresh bait that is specific to the Rogue and to your particular technique. Go check them out and offer them support during this time. A recent report indicated nightcrawlers and corkies have been producing well.

It is illegal to snag and keep a snagged fish, whether it’s wild or hatchery!  Report violations to Oregon State Police by calling *OSP.

As of Wednesday morning, the flow in Grants Pass was approximately 1,260 cfs and steady, temperatures in the low to mid 40s and turbidity at 2 NTU. Expect a little bump this weekend with the rain forecast, but the river should not be blown out. For those interested in checking conditions before getting on the river, the City of Grants Pass Water Division’s website offers information on river conditions at Grants Pass as well as a link to a river camera. Anglers can check all the USGS gauging stations, which have the most current temperatures and river flows here.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

Applegate Reservoir: Reservoir is 1% Full
Chetco River: Low Water Has Kept Steelhead Fishing From Taking Off
Elk River: Low Water Has Kept Most Anglers at Home
Emigrant Reservoir: Barely A Puddle
Fish Lake : Fish Lake Report
Galesville Reservoir: Galesville Reservoir Report
Garrison Lake: Good Time to Fish At The Lake
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Some Patches of Ice, But For The Most Part Very Fishable
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt Lake Report
Lake Selmac: Trout Should Still Be Available
Lost Creek Lake: Lost Creek Reservoir Fishing Report
Medco Pond: Medco Pond Fishing Report
Rogue River- Lower: Low Water Has Kept Most Anglers at Home

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