River is Currently Running 3,600 CFS

Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake - Lyons, OR (Marion County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Hwy 22 has been re-opened, although delays will continue and many access points to the river above Stayton, such as Packsaddle and Fisherman’s Bend, remain closed due to wildfire damage. 

No recent fishing reports. River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running around 3,600 cfs

A few hatchery summer steelhead are still around. Fishing for hatchery steelhead is open year-round. 

The Coho salmon run has pretty much run its course, with very few live fish around and most beyond their expiration date. A few newer fish may still be available in the lower part of the river.  

Anglers should be aware that trout harvest is now closed and will not re-open until May 22

Commission adopts 2021 groundfish regulations

SALEM, Ore.—The Commission adopted a general marine bag limit of 6 fish for recreational anglers for the 2021 season in...... Read More