Fish Report for 4-16-2021
Oregon South East Region Report

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Lake of the Woods will be stocked early next week with trophy rainbow trout. The lake fishes best from a boat. Conditions are cold up there as the lake is just starting to ice out.
Trout stocking is underway at several area lakes and ponds. In addition, many of these locations will have holdover trout from last year’s stocking. These fish have been in the water long enough to have put on some size, and to key in on natural food sources. Selecting flies or lures that mimic these food sources can be effective.
Bass and panfish anglers should start keeping an eye on water temperatures. Once they reach 50 degrees, you can expect these fish to become more active. Look for them to start moving into the shallows in anticipation of spawning.
Ice conditions will vary be district to be – some still have good conditions for ice fishing (if you can get there through the snow) while others have open water. This time of year, when ice conditions can change rapidly, be sure to follow these safety precautions.
Higher elevation lakes in Lake County are frozen and access is available via snowmobile.
Sky Lakes and Mountain Lakes are inaccessible due to snow. Snowpack is at 76 percent of average for Klamath County area.
Lakes and ponds to fish this week:
- Thief Valley Reservoir has a good number of holdover rainbow trout producing fish in excess of 20 inches on occasion. Some stocking of sublegal-size trout began a few weeks ago and stocking of legal and trophy-size trout will begin in the coming weeks. 4/7/21
- The best bet for family-friendly fishing is Gerber Reservoir for yellow perch or Lake of Woods for stocked rainbow trout. 4/14/21
- Warmwater anglers should try Gerber Reservoir for yellow perch, Willow Valley Reservoir and Lost River for largemouth bass and Campbell Reservoir for crappie. 4/14/21
- Trout fishing has been fair in Beulah Reservoir. 4/7/21
- Warmwater anglers should target Dog Lake for yellow perch. It is ice-free and filling at the moment. 4/7/21
- On Malheur Reservoir, fishing for trout has been good. 4/7/21
- Fishing has been great for black crappie in Owyhee Reservoir – check out the upper reservoir near Leslie Gulch – and Pole Creek Reservoir. 4/7/21
- Ana Reservoir was just stocked with 4,800 rainbow trout. 4/14/21
- Thompson Reservoir was just stocked with 3,600 rainbow trout. 4/14/21
Most streams and rivers in the Klamath Basin are near record low flows. Look to the larger rivers for some trophy trout. This includes the Klamath River above Topsy Reservoir. Large minnow imitations work well this time of year.
Streams in Lake County are cooling down and rising as snow melts. The Chewaucan River and Deep Creek can be fished, but make sure to check rising flows.
Several rivers in SE Oregon offer good opportunities for winter trout fishing. These include the Klamath, Chewaucan and Blitzen rivers, and Deep Creek. Is this spirit, we offer these 7 tips for winter trout fishing.
Rivers to fish this week:
- The best bet in the Klamath Basin continues to be the Klamath River below the powerhouse to the California and Oregon State line. Flows will be fishable until around 3 p.m. below the powerhouse for most of the week. The canyon area also is typically 5 degrees warmer than Klamath Falls. A good four-wheel drive vehicle with good tires is recommended, as things have been muddy. Look for good hatches of blue winged olives creating good dry fly opportunities. 3/31/21
- The Chewaucan River and Deep Creek are beginning to rise with snow melting in the upper reaches. The Chewaucan River will have more moderate flows this spring due to very little snow in the uplands. The use of lures and flies are very effective at bringing trout to hand. 4/7/21
- Spring fishing on the Blitzen River can be great, even during spring runoff. 4/7/21
Check out the 2021 trout stocking schedule.
TROUT STOCKING MAPS: Find your place to fish
Check out the ODFW fishing and trout stocking maps to find nearby fishing locations, driving directions and descriptions of amenities.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: closures, special events, etc.
New interagency map shows wildfire impacts on recreation
Hunters, anglers and wildlife viewers will be living with the impacts of the 2020 wildfire season for a long time. To help you navigate the status of popular recreation sites, natural resource management agencies in Oregon have released an interagency status map that shows open, closed and reduced service areas on a single map, regardless of reason for closure.
Check the 2021 regulations
The 2021 Sport Fishing Regulations are out. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the new regulations taking effect Jan. 1. There are multiple changes to the trophy redand trout fishery in the Klamath Basin.
AGENCY LAKE (including Straights): redband trout, yellow perch, brown trout
Agency Lake is open year-round. Fishing is very slow and fish are dispersed. You’ll need to move around quite a bit until you find fish. The lake is very turbid so finding clearer water will improve your catch rate.
Petric Park and Henzel Park are open. Petric Park boat ramp is ice-free. Best fishing is from a boat.
Agency Lake regulations are catch-and-release for redband/rainbow trout with no bait allowed (artificial flies and lures only). The boundary of Agency Lake is the south end of the Straits. This change is due to record low spawning escapement for trophy redband trout throughout the Klamath Basin last year. ODFW also encourages the use of single barbless hooks in this fishery, not removing the fish from the water and using catch-and-release rubber nets. Last updated 4/14/21.
ANA RESERVOIR: rainbow trout, hybrid bass
This reservoir is full and has been stocked with 4,800 rainbow trout last week. Fishing should be excellent! Trolling lures or flies will do a great job catching fish in this clear reservoir. Bait fishing with PowerBait or worms is also a proven method for putting fish on a stringer.
Fishing this past month was fairly slow for hybrid bass in the 3-7 lb category. Bait fishing seemed to be more successful. Rapalas that imitate tui chub and rainbow trout, favorite food sources for hybrid bass, are also good bets for catching these fish.
Last updated 4/14/21.
Read 12 tips for catching wipers in Ana Reservoir.
ANA RIVER: rainbow trout
Recent fly-fishing reports indicate fishing has been slow, but fish in the 20-inch range were caught in March. This river is spring fed and can be fished year-round, as long as the occasional 30 mph wind gusts don’t get you down.
Ana River is a great match-the-hatch fly-fishing river with good hatches throughout the year. Hatches typically occur during the afternoon from 12-3 p.m. Small blue-winged olive mayfly hatches are typically best on overcast days with light rain.
Tui chub are abundant in the river therefore casting large flies or lures can be effective for catching larger fish. Bait fishing is allowed and anglers can keep 5 trout. Early this spring an angler caught a hybrid bass in the river, which happens occasionally. Last updated 4/14/21.
ANNIE CREEK: brook trout, brown trout and rainbow trout
Fishing in Annie Creek remains very slow due to cold water temperatures, low productivity and current high flows (33.6 cfs). Most of the creek is dominated by small brook trout up to 10 inches. Brown trout are rare and redband trout are highly unlikely in the catch. Please report any Redband/rainbow trout caught in the creek to ODFW at 541-883-5732.
The creek is open year-round and bait is allowed. This might be worth a quick try with the kids during spring break.
Access is available year-round off Hwy. 62 at the USFS snow park. There is plenty of public property on USFS, State Forest and Crater Lake National Park -- fishing is regulated by the National Park (541-594-3000).
Several waterfalls occur on the creek inside Crater Lake National Park offering exceptional views. Last updated 3/24/21.
ANTHONY LAKE: rainbow trout, brook trout
No recent fishing reports. Last updated 12/16/20.
Recent fish sampling by ODFW indicates there are very good numbers of 11- to 12-inch rainbow trout in the reservoir. Access will be difficult during the winter with best access via snow machine. While there are no recent reports, fishing through the ice has potential to be good. Last updated 1/6/20.
BEULAH RESERVOIR: redband trout, hatchery rainbow trout, whitefish, bull trout
Fishing has been fair for rainbow trout in Beulah. Fishing the upper reservoir this time of year can be productive.
Bull trout must be released. Last Updated 4/7/2021
BIG ROCK RESERVOIR: rainbow trout
Fishing will continue to be good at this reservoir as long as it holds water. Last month a total of 35 trout were caught between 9 and 13 inches in less than 2 hours. The reservoir is drying up so get out there quickly to harvest your limit of fish. Casting lures and flies should produce plenty of fish. Last updated 4/7/21.
BLITZEN RIVER: redband trout
No recent reports but fishing should be good on the mainstem Blitzen and tributaries.
Check this link to the Blitzen gauge. Last Updated 2/10/21.
Fishing has been fair for rainbow trout.Last Updated 4/7/2021.
CAMPBELL RESERVOIR: redband trout, largemouth bass, crappie
The reservoir is partly on BLM property and remains open. Fishing for 12 to 14-inch largemouth bass is slow. Crappie fishing is challenging as most are suspended in deep water. Redband trout are rare in the reservoir. Water levels are low. The reservoir is turbid but not as turbid as Devils Lake or other Great Basin Reservoirs.
Warmer weather this week might put bass on the bite. Last updated 3/31/21.
CHERRY CREEK: brook trout and redband trout
Fishing not recommended at this time due to snow. Open all year. Water temperatures are approaching freezing. This creek is very small; therefore, fly-fishing is the best method to use. Brook trout are more abundant higher in the system. A very big fish in the creek is 10 inches. Water is crystal clear and habitat is exceptional. The Cherry Creek trail parallels the creek and leads to many productive wilderness lakes. One of the best waterfalls in the basin is just off the trail.
ODFW encourages unlimited harvest of brook trout and catch-and-release for the redband trout. Fishing is very slow for brook trout. Last updated 2/3/21.
CHEWAUCAN RIVER: redband trout, largemouth bass, brown bullhead
Access is available to the Chewaucan upstream of Paisley. Although the water is cold at this time of year fish, will become more active throughout the day. Try slowly retrieving lures and nymphs to catch native redbands. The bag limit is 2 fish only one of which can be over 20 inches.
Check the Oregon Water Resources Near Real Time Streamflow website for current flow information. Last updated 3/24/21.
Fishing has been slow recently but recent sampling showed there are plenty of trout available ranging from 8 to 21 inches. This reservoir is quite low and we do not expect it to fill this spring so anglers are encouraged to harvest fish. Last update 4/7/21.
CORRAL CREEK (SF Sprague): brook trout and brown trout
Fishing not recommended at this time. Likely inaccessible due to snow, except by snowmobile. Fishing for brook trout will be slow due to very cold water temperatures. Flows are extremely low. Open all year. Bait is allowed. There is a campground and wilderness trails near the creek. The creek is dominated by brook trout mostly smaller than 8 inches. Last updated 2/3/21.
CROOKED CREEK (Klamath Co): redband trout, brook trout and brown trout
Closed to fishing on Nov. 1 to protect spawning redband trout. Opens May 22. Last updated 11/11/20.
CRYSTAL CREEK redband trout and yellow perch
Closed to fishing on Nov. 1 to protect spawning redband trout. Opens May 22. New Regulations will take effect on opening day. No bait is allowed. Artificial flies and lures only. Last updated 11/11/20.
DEEP CREEK: redband trout
Access is available to the lower portion of Deep Creek near Hwy 140. Although the water is cold at this time of year, fish will become more active throughout the day. Try slowly retrieving lures and nymphs to catch native redbands. The bag limit is 2 fish only one of which can be over 20 inches.
Check the Oregon Water Resources Near Real Time Streamflow website for current flow information. Last updated 3/24/21.
DEMING CREEK: redband trout and bull trout
Likely inaccessible due to snow. This creek is tiny and difficult to fish due to the canopy of alders. Flows are probably too low to effectively fish. Open all year. Most fish in the creek are less than 8 inches. Closed to fishing for bull trout. If you incidentally catch a bull trout, don’t remove it from the water as you release it.
There is a trail along the creek that heads into the Gearhart Wilderness. Bring your camera as these redband trout are gorgeous. This is one of the first redband trout illustrated by the well-known artist Joe Tomelleri. Last updated 1/27/21.
DOG LAKE: yellow perch, bluegill, black crappie, brown bullhead, largemouth bass, redband trout
Access is available to all vehicles and anglers have continued to do well catching yellow perch with bait this past month. There have also been a few crappie and bluegill caught with bait as well. Some of the perch have been measuring 14 inches! There is no ice on the lake and it is filling up with runoff. Last updated 4/7/21.
DUNCAN RESERVOIR: rainbow trout, brown bullhead catfish
This reservoir is extremely low and some recent illegal introductions are limiting the rainbow trout catch. This reservoir might be stocked in May IF there is enough water to float a fish.
Fishing and sampling showed that there are very few rainbow trout in the reservoir. The number of trout at this once fantastic fishery seems to be declining due to the illegal introduction of both largemouth bass and brown bullhead. With continued introductions such as these, all fish species will end up becoming stunted and angler satisfaction declines. We will continue to monitor the fishery, but expect slow fishing unless it’s been stocked recently. Last updated 4/14/21.
Please report illegal fish introductions to 1-800-452-7888.
FISH LAKE (Steens Mountain): rainbow trout, brook trout
The Steens Loop road is now closed for winter, access to this Lake will be difficult. But for the extremely motivated angler, ice fishing for some nice brook trout might be great. Last updated 12/2/20.
FISH LAKE (Wallowa Mountains): rainbow trout, brook trout
No recent fishing reports, but fishing had been good for stocked rainbow trout and naturally produced brook trout. The campground at the lake fills quickly on weekends so campers are encouraged to get there early or be prepared to camp at other undeveloped camping sites in the area. Last updated 9/9/20.
FORT CREEK: brown trout, redband trout, brook trout
Fort Creek is currently closed to protect spawning redband trout. Opens May 22, 2021.
FOURMILE CREEK (tributary to Agency Lake): brook, brown, and redband trout.
Open all year and access is available year-round off Westside Road at Fourmile Springs. A small car topper boat or canoe can improve fishing access at this area. Anglers should be aware of private property around this area and can check Klamath County Land Ownership for information.
The creek is very slow moving with one beaver dam impounding the creek. Fishing should be slow in front of and behind the beaver dam. If you are adventurous enough, the hole where Fourmile Creek enters Fourmile Canal is great. Also, fish where the Cherry Creek channel hits Fourmile Creek. Bait is allowed.
The headwater springs at Fourmile and Jack Springs are very cold. Last updated 1/27/21.
FOURMILE LAKE: hatchery rainbow trout, lake trout, kokanee, brook trout
Inaccessible due to snow unless you have a snowmobile or snow machine. The lake is likely frozen. Fourmile Lake was stocked in late summer with monster hatchery trout. Fishing will be slow for 18- to 20-inch trophy trout, stocked rainbow trout with the occasional brook trout or lake trout.
The lake is very low at 21 percent full, based on the 15,600 acre feet taken out for irrigation. The lake is very clear and oligotrophic.
Call Lake of the Woods Resort for recent fishing reports Toll Free at 866-201-4194. Last updated 03/24/21.
GERBER RESERVOIR: crappie, yellow perch, brown bullhead and largemouth bass
Open all year.
The lake is ice-free. Water temperatures are increasing fast. Targeting yellow perch is your best bet. Fish sampling by Bureau of Reclamation has showed incredible densities of yellow perch. Fishing is also good for brown bullhead catfish. A good place to start is the Ben Hall Creek arm of the reservoir near the boat dock. Use small hooks and bait for the perch as most are small sized with small mouths. The reservoir remains 30 percent full.
Gerber Reservoir is a large turbid reservoir. Bank access is good. Boats can be launched as well at the Ben Hall Campground area. There is a nice concrete ramp and dock.
Most of the reservoir is on BLM property. Last updated 4/7/21.
HEART LAKE: hatchery rainbow trout, brown bullhead catfish
Access is limited to snowmobiles at this time, and the ice is not thick enough to fish from.
Illegal introductions of brown bullhead catfish have been negatively impacting overwinter survival and the rainbow trout fishery. People have been catching brown bullhead over 15 inches with worms. ODFW encourages the retention of all brown bullhead caught in this fishery. Last updated 4/7/21.
HOLBROOK RESERVOIR: hatchery rainbow trout
The Quartz Mountain road is not accessible, but the Fishole Creek road is snow free. Last week anglers were not catching any fish, but the reservoir was still mostly iced over. Once the ice melts off and water warms, this will be a great place to catch holdover trout. If bait on the bottom is not working try raising your offering higher in the water column where it is warmer. Slowly stripping flies is also a good bet. Last updated 4/14/21.
J.C. BOYLE RESERVOIR (Topsy Reservoir): Largemouth bass, yellow perch, brown bullhead, pumpkinseed, crappie, goldfish, Sacramento perch, tui chub and blue chub
Water temperature has warmed to nearly 55 degrees. No recent fishing reports, but fishing probably remains slow for warmwater species. Best bet is for yellow perch. The reservoir is very turbid.
Past net sampling showed some large yellow perch in the reservoir above the bridge crossing. Highest catch of all fish was above Topsy Bridge. Yellow perch bite really well this time of year.
Open and accessible all year. Water levels generally remain very similar and drop as the day progresses as water is released for power generation. There are numerous points of access on the reservoir as most property surrounding the reservoir is BLM or PacifiCorp property. There are three boat ramps on the reservoir. Last updated 4/14/21.
UPPER KLAMATH LAKE: native redband trout, yellow perch, kokanee, pumpkinseed, brown bullhead, tui chub and blue chub
Open all year. The lake is turbid. Catch rates continue to improve but it’s still slow. Most anglers fish with dead minnows along Howard and Shoalwater bays.
Boat ramps are open. This includes Moore Park, Rocky Point, Wocus Bay and Eagle Ridge. Currently, most boat anglers are experiencing very poor fishing.
Hagelstein Park boat ramp, restroom and campground is now open. However, the lake level is low therefore getting a boat out of Hagelstein might be challenging. Please remember that nets of any type cannot be used to catch any species of fish. This includes minnows to use for bait.
ODFW encourages catch-and-release on this fishery due to record low spawning numbers last year and low numbers two years prior. Please fight your fish quickly and then release your fish immediately without removing it from the water.
The lake is 2.4 feet below full pool and 61 percent full. Water temperature is peaking around 55 degrees on the east side of the lake.
Please remember that once you retain your one redband/rainbow trout limit you must stop fishing for redband/rainbow trout. Also, all radio tagged redband trout must be released unharmed. Redband trout will have what looks to be fishing line coming from the abdomen. These fish will be 6-18 inches in length. Last updated 4/14/21.
KLAMATH RIVER: native redband trout, rainbow trout, brown trout
Keno Dam to J.C Boyle Reservoir
This section of the river opened Oct. 1. Fishing success should be very good for numerous 16-18 inch redband trout. Water temperatures have increased to around 54 degrees. Flows (711 cfs) are good for fishing. Public access is difficult but you can drive a horrendous road to immediately below Keno Dam. All other sites require a significant hike to the river.
Redband trout this time of year start gorging on the incredible insect life that is hatching. There are blizzard hatches of caddisflies and mayflies. Flies that mimic caddis pupae and emerging mayflies work best. The water is always slightly off color so this is not a place for dry flies.
This section of the river is very challenging fishing with white water and treacherous wading. The river is loaded with boulders and drop offs that eat fishing gear. ODFW recommends a wading staff, wading belt, excellent wading boots with studs, and maybe even a helmet and shin guards! Last updated 4/14/21.
J.C. Boyle Dam to J.C Boyle Powerhouse
This is the best location to fish in the winter. Open all year. Flows are low and stable. Catch rates should be good. Fishing is best below the spring inputs. The springs start to discharge into the river approximately one mile below J.C. Boyle Dam. This section of river requires a hike down steep grade to the river with the exception of the area just above the powerhouse.
Use small flies as fish are small in this section. Good hatches of mayflies and caddisflies are occurring.
Water temperatures in this reach are warmer this time of year due to most springs coming into the river at 50 degrees. There is good access at the powerhouse. Park and walk upstream. This area is fished hard but you can hike to get away from the pressure. Hiking or wading upstream is difficult. Small nymphs such as pheasant tails and prince nymphs work well in this section. Small black Panther Martins or Rooster Tails work well cast upstream into the deeper pools. Last updated 4/14/21.
J.C. Boyle Powerhouse to State Line with California
Open all year. Currently this section of the river provides the second-best fishing for trout in the Klamath Basin. Flows remain very fishable until around 3 p.m. on most days.
Best fishing is when flows are less than 900 cfs. Flow estimates are available and you can check them at PacifiCorp Weekly Flow Estimates. You can also call the flow line at 1-800-547-1501. Fishing can be excellent this time of year if flows are fishable. Blue winged olive mayflies are hatching, which will provide some nice match the hatch dry fly fishing. The mayflies typically hatch from noon until four. Look to the backwater eddies and foam lines for rising fish.
Large attractor flies such and wooly buggers, bead head prince, stimulators, and rubber leg stoneflies under a strike indicator work best this time of year. Olive and black wooly buggers almost always work well. Black spinners and Panther Martins can also work.
Below the JC Boyle Powerhouse the redband/rainbow trout get slightly larger than the aforementioned reach and average 12 inches but rarely exceed 16 inches. Currently, most redband caught are in the 10- to 14-inch range. Last updated 3/31/21.
Fishing has been fair at Krumbo recently. Fishing early and late in the day will likely be more productive. Last Updated 4/7/2021.
LAKE OF THE WOODS: hatchery rainbow trout, kokanee, hatchery brown trout, yellow perch, brown bullhead, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, crappie, tui chub
Open all year. The lake is partially frozen. Open water occurs at the lodge.. The lake will be stocked with trophy rainbow trout next week.
Fishing will be very slow for many of the warmwater species in the lake. Fishing for yellow perch is your best bet and if ice conditions are good fishing can be fair. Smallmouth bass are more common west of the Lodge near the rocky areas of the lake. The lake is dominated by stunted yellow perch. Very small bait and hooks will catch these fish.
You can also visit their website to observe current conditions at the lake. Click on the left side video link for a live video of current conditions on the lake at the Lodge. Last updated 4/14/21.
LINK RIVER: redband/rainbow trout
The Link River is open year-round. Fishing is slow. April and May are typically the best months to fish the Link River. Flows are good right now to attract fish up the river.
Fishing regulations for the Link River changed on Jan. 1, 2021. New regulations include catch-and-release for redband/rainbow trout and no bait allowed (artificial flies and lures only). This change is due to record low spawning escapement for trophy redband trout throughout the Klamath Basin. ODFW also encourages the use of single barbless hooks in this fishery, not removing fish from the water and catch-and-release rubber nets. Last updated 4/7/21.
LOFTON RESERVOIR: hatchery rainbow trout
Access is limited to snowmobiles at this time and ice is probably not thick enough to fish from. Last updated 4/7/21.
LONG CREEK: brook trout, redband trout, bull trout
Fishing is not recommended at this time. Likely inaccessible due to snow. Open all year. Water temperatures are approaching freezing. Long Creek is fair for brook trout. Brook trout are very concentrated as they are spawning. Long Creek is located above Sycan Marsh coming off Yamsi Mountain. There is ample water to fish on Green Diamond property. Brook trout are very abundant in the creek and some get very big.
Brook trout can reach up to 20 inches in the creek. ODFW encourages unlimited harvest of brook trout in the creek. Best fishing is near the first bridge crossing on Green Diamond property. Make sure you know the difference between bull trout and brook trout. Bull trout are exceedingly rare. Last updated 12/16/20.
LUCKY RESERVOIR: rainbow trout
Access is available to 4-wheel drive vehicles. If bait on the bottom is not working try raising your offering higher in the water column where it is warmer. Slowly stripping flies is also a good bet. Last updated 4/7/21.
MALHEUR RESERVOIR: rainbow trout
This reservoir is now ice free, fishing has been good for rainbow trout in the 10- to 12-inch range but there are larger fish available. Last Updated 4/7/21.
The lake is currently fishless.
MILLER LAKE: brown, rainbow, brook trout, kokanee
Likely inaccessible, except by snow machine, due to snow. Last updated 1/13/21.
MUD LAKE: rainbow trout, cutthroat trout
There have not been any recent fishing reports, but anglers were catching a few rainbow trout in the 16-inch range using bait along the shoreline last year during this time. Also, slowly stripping flies along the shoreline produced trout in the 12- to 16-inch range. Try to target fish cruising the shoreline looking for food in this turbid reservoir. Last updated 4/7/21.
OWYHEE RESERVOIR: largemouth and smallmouth bass, crappie, yellow perch, catfish
Fishing has been great for black crappie in the upper reservoir near Leslie Gulch. No reports on bass fishing but with warmer weather bass are likely biting well now.
The reservoir is now 60 percent full, to view current reservoir elevations and boat ramp conditions click here. Last updated 4/7/21.
OWYHEE RIVER (Lower): brown trout and hatchery rainbow trout
Sampling in September showed there are still plenty of large brown and rainbow trout available from 16 to 24 inches. Fishing has been good recently and anglers have reported catching some very large rainbow trout. Brown trout have also been biting with catch rates of about two fish per hour.
Anglers can expect to see some mayfly hatches in the afternoon, with skwala stoneflies in some locations.
Flows are now up to 142 cfs.
Brown trout have finished spawning but anglers should still avoid wading in gravely areas to protect fish redds where eggs and fry are developing.
Avoid over-playing a hooked fish as they are expending a lot of energy and it will take a lot longer to recover. Last updated 4/7/21.
PHILLIPS RESERVOIR: rainbow trout, yellow perch
Philips Reservoir is beginning to fill up and ice is melting rapidly, leaving considerable open-water gap between the shore and ice. Bank fishing opportunities should become more accessible in the coming weeks. Last updated 4/7/21.
Recent fish sampling by ODFW indicates there are good numbers of 10- to 15-inch rainbow trout in the reservoir. The ice is adequate for fishing and fishing should be good. Last updated 1/6/21.
PIUTE Reservoir: rainbow trout, cutthroat trout
This reservoir is ice free and should start fishing better as the water warms. Recently a 15-inch cutthroat trout was caught slowly pulling flies through the water surface. This is also a great place to drown bait as fish can more easily find it in the turbid water. Last updated 3/24/21.
POISON CREEK RESERVOIR (Grant County): rainbow trout
No recent reports. Last updated 4/7/21.
POLE CREEK RESERVOIR: rainbow trout, black crappie
Fishing has been good for black crappie up to 13 inches long. Rainbow trout fishing has also been good lately for some anglers. Last updated 4/7/21.
PRIDAY RESERVOIR: rainbow trout
This reservoir was stocked the first of March with 200 trophy rainbow trout. Anglers have been having a very hard time catching these fish for one reason or another. Most folks use bait in this reservoir, but trout can also be caught using flies and lures.
Priday Reservoir is on some BLM property, but the majority of the reservoir lies on private property. Please respect the area by staying on main roads and by cleaning up after yourselves and others to enjoy this fishery into the future. Last updated 4/7/21.
SEVENMILE CREEK: brook trout, brown trout, redband trout
Sevenmile is a very cold and clear creek. Fishing for brook trout is best in the beaver dam pools above Nicholson Road. Fishing will be slow. Most brook trout captured are less than 12 inches.
Open all year. Anglers can access Sevenmile Creek at Nicholson Road and fish upstream of Nicholson Road. Bait is allowed upstream of Nicholson Road. There are currently large beaver dam pools immediately upstream of the bridge. Snow is about a foot deep. This might be worth a look for spring break fishing along with Annie Creek. Last updated 3/24/21.
SKY LAKES AND MOUNTAIN LAKE WILDERNESS: brook trout and rainbow trout
All lakes are inaccessible due to snow. Most lakes are likely frozen and there’s deep snow at all lakes. Fishing is likely slow at most lakes. Best lakes to catch fish are Clover, Como, Harriette, Echo, Weston and South Pass in the Mountain Lakes Wilderness and Sonya, Margurette and Isherwood in the Sky Lakes Wilderness.
Best lakes for brook trout are Badger Lake (Sky Lakes Wilderness), which is a short hike from Fourmile Lake, Echo Lake and Clover Lake (Mountain Lakes Wilderness).
The biggest trout come from the bigger and deeper lakes of Harriette, Isherwood and Margurette. Last updated 2/3/20.
SPENCER CREEK: redband trout and brook trout
Spencer Creek closed on Nov. 1. The creek will reopen to fishing May 22. Last updated 11/11/20.
SPRAGUE RIVER: redband trout, brown trout, largemouth bass, brown bullhead, yellow perch, and pumpkinseed
Closed to fishing on Nov. 1 to protect spawning redband trout. Reopens April 22. Opening day should be good as flows are low and water temperatures near ideal.
Regulations will change on opening day. Only one redband/rainbow trout can be kept with a 15-inch minimum length. This change is due to record low spawning escapement for trophy redband trout throughout the Klamath Basin. ODFW also encourages the use of single barbless hooks in this fishery, not removing fish from the water and catch-and-release rubber nets. Last updated 4/14/21.
NORTH FORK SPRAGUE RIVER AND ALL TRIBUTARIES: brook trout, redband trout, brown trout, bull trout
The NF Sprague is open year-round but access might be difficult due to snow. Flows are high at 90 cfs. Fishing is slow for brook trout, redband trout and the occasional large brown trout. Most of the river is freestone pocket water. Brook trout are more common as you head up river towards the headwaters. Brown trout are most common in the canyon area near the elbow, especially near Boulder Creek.
The river above the elbow is fast moving turbulent water flowing through a canyon. Above Sandhill Crossing the river flows slowly through meadow habitat with lodgepole pine trees providing instream cover. The section from Sandhill Crossing downstream provide a little bit of all the habitat types with good numbers of brook, brown and redband trout.
Check stream level. The river is also very clear in this section. Last updated 4/14/21.
SOUTH FORK SPRAGUE RIVER AND ALL TRIBUTARIES: brook trout, redband trout, brown trout, bull trout
Open all year. Snow will limit access to some areas. Fishing is slow for redband trout and brook trout. Last updated 4/7/21.
Check stream level.
This reservoir is currently dry. Last updated 4/7/21.
SUN CREEK: brook trout, bull trout, brown trout
Fishing not recommended at this time. Flows are low at 6.8 cfs. Sun Pass Forest is closed to motor vehicles except snowmobile.
Open to fishing all year but closed to fishing for bull trout. Only bull trout occur in upper Sun Creek just above the Sun Pass Forest bridge crossing. Fishing is not recommended at this time as fish density remains low. Recent electrofishing found low number of brook trout, brown trout and redband trout. The largest fish was 11 inches. Fish size and density remain low. Last updated 2/17/20.
Check stream level.
Redband trout were reintroduced to Sun Creek in 2016 and 2017. These redband trout were small, most are less than 4 inches, and salvaged from the Wood River irrigation system. ODFW encourages release of all redband trout. The Sun Creek channel has been rerouted into the historic channel and is connected to the Wood River below Kimball State Park.
SYCAN RIVER: brook, redband and brown trout (below marsh)
Open all year. Difficult access due to muddy and snowy roads. Fishing is very slow. Brook trout are quite abundant as you head towards the headwaters.
Flows are very low. Fishing is slow below the marsh for mostly 8- to 10-inch redband trout. Best fishing is in the area of large pools and car sized boulders in the Coyote Bucket area. Last updated 12/2/20.
Check stream levels.
This reservoir was stocked with 3,600 rainbow trout last week. The water is pretty low for this time of year, but fishing should be good for the recently planted fish. The east boat ramp is high and dry, so if you want to use a boat in this reservoir you need to launch from the west shore or carry your boat to the water.
Trolling lures or flies will do a great job catching fish in this reservoir. Bait fishing with PowerBait or worms is also a proven method for putting fish on a stringer. This reservoir might be stocked again in May IF there is enough water to keep stocking. The reservoir is likely going to be drawn down to dead pool by the end of May. Last updated 4/14/21.
THOMPSON VALLEY RESERVOIR: rainbow trout, largemouth bass
Access is available to this reservoir although there have not been any recent fishing reports. The water is pretty low for this time of year, but fishing should be fair for holdover trout. Last updated 4/7/21.
TWIN LAKES (Wallowa Mountains): rainbow trout, brook trout
No recent reports. Anglers are reminded that the daily bag limit is one rainbow trout over 15 inches long.Last updated 8/12/20.
UNITY RESERVOIR: trout, smallmouth bass, crappie
Unity reservoir ice conditions have deteriorated as the reservoir is coming into spring fishing shape. Ice anglers reported decent catch rates of rainbow trout in the 8- to 14-inch range earlier in the year, and these fishing conditions should continue to improve into the spring after ice-off. Last updated 4/7/21.
WARM SPRINGS RESERVOIR: smallmouth bass, crappie, catfish, perch, rainbow trout
Bass fishing should be picking up in the upper reservoir right now. Trolling for rainbow trout this time of year may also be productive. Last Updated 4/7/21.
WARNER POND: hatchery rainbow trout
Access is available but there have not been any recent fishing reports. This is an excellent place to put in a float tube and fly-fish for beautiful rainbow trout. It is possible to fish from the dock or shore, but frustrating at times. The Warner Valley views are amazing at this pond so go check it out. Last updated 4/7/21.
UPPER WILLIAMSON RIVER: redband trout and brook trout
Closed to Fishing on Nov. 1 to protect spawning redband trout. Reopens April 22, 2021.
Only one single point hook will be allowed beginning April 22. This change is due to record low spawning escapement for trophy redband trout throughout the Klamath Basin. ODFW also encourages the use of barbless hooks in this fishery and catch-and-release rubber nets. Last updated 12/2/20.
LOWER WILLIAMSON RIVER: redband trout and brown trout
Closed to fishing on Nov. 1 to protect spawning redband trout. Reopens May 22.
Regulations will change on opening day, May 22, 2021. Only one single point hook will be allowed. This change is due to record low spawning escapement for trophy redband trout throughout the Klamath Basin. ODFW also encourages the use of single barbless hooks in this fishery, not removing fish from the water, and catch-and-release rubber nets. Last updated 2/3/21.
WILLOW VALLEY RESERVOIR: largemouth bass, crappie, yellow perch, bluegill, Lahontan cutthroat
Largemouth bass fishing can be good in late March with warm weather. Try the Antelope Creek confluence or the shallow weed beds near the dam. Best fished from a boat.
Willow Valley is a very turbid, desert reservoir. The boat ramp is open. Bass and crappie can be found at the habitat structures placed by BLM and ODFW in the past. Yellow perch are prolific in the reservoir but stunted. Last updated 3/31/21.
WOOD RIVER: redband trout, brown trout, brook trout and bull trout
Closed to fishing on Nov. 1 to protect spawning redband trout. Reopens April 22. Opening day should be good for brown trout below Weed Rd, but very slow for redband trout. Last updated 04/14/21.
This reservoir was frozen as of last week. Ice out should happen soon if warmer weather persists. Last Updated 4/7/21.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, April 16th, 2021
: Oregon North West Report
: Oregon Willamette Region Report
: Oregon South West Region Report
: Oregon Central Region Report
: Oregon North East Region Report
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, April 15th, 2021Umatilla River: Umatilla River spring Chinook season to close on April 16

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