Fish Report for 7-16-2021
Wallowa and Baker County gamefish limits lifted due to drought conditions

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
La Grande, Ore. – Due to severe drought conditions coupled with abnormally high temperatures, ODFW has lifted all size (minimum and maximum) and daily limits for most species of fish (see exceptions) temporarily in several waterbodies throughout Wallowa and Baker Counties.
Based on most recent drought conditions, observations of fish kills in other local bodies of water, and a forecast for continued low precipitation and warm temperatures, there is a high likelihood that water quality conditions in some locations will become lethal to fish this summer.
In Wallowa County, the bag and size limits will be lifted for the following bodies of water from July 14 through Sept. 30:
- Honeymoon Pond
- Tee Pee Pond
- McGraw Pond
- Salt Creek Summit Pond, and;
- Kinney Lake
In Baker County, the bag and size limits will be lifted for the following bodies of water July 15 through Oct. 10:
- Phillips Reservoir between Mason Dam and Hudspeth Road
- Thief Valley Reservoir, and;
- Powder River between Thief Valley Reservoir and Phillips Reservoir
EXCEPTIONS: Bull Trout and Tiger Muskie must be released unharmed in the water body they are encountered.
ODFW encourages anglers to keep any fish that they catch not otherwise listed in the exceptions, and practice “if you don’t know, let it go” in areas you may encounter fish listed as exceptions.
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