Fish Report for 10-15-2021
ODFW hosts public meeting on proposed 2022 sport Pacific halibut and groundfish seasons

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Friday, October 15, 2021
NEWPORT, Ore – ODFW is hosting a virtual meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 6-7:30 p.m. to get public input on 2022 recreational Pacific halibut regulations under consideration by the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council).
ODFW manages Pacific halibut in partnership with the Council and seeks feedback on these proposals:
- Allow groundfish retention on every all-depth date in the Central Oregon Coast and Columbia River Subareas.
- When the Pacific halibut quota levels allow, open the Central Oregon Coast Subarea all-depth fishery seven days per week in May and/or September after Labor Day. Currently, this subarea is open Thursday through Saturday.
- An option to increase the daily bag limit from one to two Pacific halibut prior to Labor Day.
In addition, ODFW marine fishery managers will review preliminary recommendations for the 2022 sport groundfish fishery that will be considered by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission on Dec. 17, and discuss federal processes that are beginning to form for the 2023-24 recreational groundfish fishery.
To join the Microsoft Teams meeting:
- on your computer or mobile app: Click here to join the meeting
- or to call in (audio only) dial 1-503-446-4951, conference ID 800 090 923#
Information presented at the meeting and an online survey will be available a few days before the meeting on ODFW's sport Pacific halibut and groundfish webpages.
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