Rogue River - Middle Fish Report for 11-12-2021
Bait can again be used in the entire Rogue from the mouth upstream to Fishers Ferry
Rogue River - Middle - Grants Pass, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Bait can again be used in the entire Rogue from the mouth upstream to Fishers Ferry.
Chinook fishing is now closed upstream of Hog Creek boat ramp through the remainder of the year.
Summer steelhead fishing has been pretty good. Steelhead are being caught all the way from Gold Hill to Galice. The waters around Galice can be a great fishing destination this time of year. There is much public land and open water in this area, and riffles are looking nice. Only hatchery steelhead and hatchery trout may be harvested. Up to 2 hatchery steelhead as part of the daily combined salmon/steelhead bag limit and 5 hatchery trout may be retained.
Coho salmon are in the system, but anglers are reminded that only hatchery coho may be retained. Coho will have bright white gums and ridges along their tail fin that can usually be felt with your fingers. Anglers often fish for coho with purple, pink and black jigs under bobbers.
Locally-owned and operated tackle and fly shops in Grants Pass have excellent gear and very fresh bait, local flies and knowledge that is specific to the Rogue and to your particular technique. Go check them out and offer them support during this time.
It is illegal to snag and keep a snagged fish, whether it’s wild or hatchery! Report violations to Oregon State Police by calling *OSP.
Expect river flows to continue dropping through the weekend. There’s really no appreciable rain forecast to bump flows. USGS Grants Pass gage was reading 1,690 cfs on Wednesday morning. Temperatures are in the high 40s, with turbidity at 3 NTU.
For those interested in checking conditions before getting on the river, the City of Grants Pass Water Division’s website offers information on river conditions at Grants Pass as well as a link to a river camera. Anglers can check all the USGS gaging stations, which have the most current temperatures and river flows here.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, November 12th, 2021: November is all about elk in Oregon
Applegate Reservoir: Appplegate Reservoir Fishing Report
Applegate River: The river is open to trout fishing through the end of the year
Ben Irving Reservoir: No recent reports from Ben Irving
Emigrant Reservoir: Nothing has changed much at Emigrant except surface temperatures
Expo Pond: Expo Pong Fishing Report
Fish Lake : The current lake level is 25 percent full and the lake is filling up
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Emergency regulations are no longer in effect at Howard Prairie
Hyatt Lake: Emergency regulations have been lifted at Hyatt Lake
Lake Selmac: Bass fishing should remain fair to good out here through the fall and winter months
Lemolo Lake: The reservoir has been drawn down for the season and is quite low
Lost Creek Lake: Trout fishing should be good
Plat I Reservoir: Temps are cooling, but the bass should still be biting
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, November 11th, 2021John C Boyle Reservoir: Past net sampling showed some large yellow perch
Upper Klamath Lake: Redband trout are scattered throughout Upper Klamath Lake
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Keno Dam to J.C Boyle Reservoir Report
Miller Lake: Brown trout will begin to cruise the shoreline
Willow Valley Reservoir: Conditions are unknown

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