Hood River Fish Report for 6-15-2022
The Hood River has been high and muddy this week
Hood River - Hood River, OR (Hood River County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Spring Chinook fishing is currently open on the Hood River through June 30 from the mouth to mainstem confluence with the East Fork, and the West Fork from the confluence with the mainstem upstream to the angling deadline 200 feet downstream of Punchbowl Falls. The catch limit is one adult hatchery salmon per day and five hatchery jack salmon per day.
The Hood River has been high and muddy this week, limiting fishing opportunities. Flows are forecasted to subside over the next week, and Chinook fishing should be good for sport anglers for the last week of the Hood River season. Good returns of PIT-tagged fish over Bonneville still indicate a strong Hood River spring Chinook run this year.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
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