Another Phenomenal Day

by Tradewinds Crew
(541) 765-2345

The Tradewinds fleet had another phenomenal day of fishing today. Almost all anglers obtain limits of rockfish and several nice Cabezon in Lingcod were also landed. The ocean was very calm despite a little bit of fog in the morning everyone did very well. Crabbing is remaining strong averaging at least six crab per person ocean conditions look great for the next several days so be sure to book your trip by going online at or calling us at 541-765-2345. Quit Wishin'!

If you would like to go fishing or whale watching with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (541) 765-2345.

More Reports

Tradewinds Crew Reports
for Sunday, July 16th, 2023

: Sun-sational Sunday Fishing
: Oh My Whale

Spectacular Saturday

Mr. Max, Mariner and Kadaho recently embarked on the thrilling 8 hour Trifectas trip, while the Tribute set off on...... Read More