Wilson River Fish Report for 9-5-2023
Bag limits for wild Chinook salmon have been reduced
Wilson River - Tillamook , OR (Tillamook County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Wilson River has a hatchery summer steelhead release but recent resting pool counts confirmed that numbers are low this year; as a result fishing will probably be slow. The Wilson is low and clear right now.
There are cutthroat trout (including sea-runs) throughout the Wilson basin. Resting pool surveys this season observed the highest sea-run cutthroat counts in nearly 20 years on the Wilson basin; so there is plenty of opportunity available.
The Wilson River opened for Fall Chinook on Aug. 1, but the run really won't get going above tidewater until later in the Fall when we get some decent rain.
Due to a below average forecast the bag limits for wild Chinook salmon have been reduced. See the Regulation updates section above for more details.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, August 30th, 2023
John Day River: Steelhead fishing will be open for this year as we've reached our minimum target of returning wild adults over Bonneville Dam
Umatilla River: Anglers should focus on deeper holes
Deschutes River: Anglers have been reporting good trout fishing lately
Laurance Lake: Air quality is poor at Laurance Lake due to wildfire smoke
Clackamas River: Both Chinook and steelhead fishing has slowed down significantly
Sandy River: Summer steelhead and Chinook can still be found throughout the river
Alsea River: Fish are moving and jumping throughout the basin
Salmon River: The Bridge hole has been a popular space for bank casting
Siletz River: The Siletz has a variety of species to cast for this weekend!
Siuslaw River: We have had a few reports coming in of fish being caught in the bay
Trask River: The Trask gets a hatchery coho run, but it's still early

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