Oregon Fish Report
Galesville Reservoir Fish Report for 9-13-2023
Galesville Reservoir Fish Report for 9-13-2023
The smoky conditions have cleared mostly
Galesville Reservoir - Azalea, OR (Douglas County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The smoky conditions have cleared mostly, although it can still be bad for sensitive groups. Trout fishing has picked up at Galesville and some anglers have been limiting out on rainbow trout. Bass fishing is still going strong as well.
In Galesville Reservoir, all landlocked salmon are considered trout and are part of the five-per-day trout limit, with only one trout over 20 inches long allowed for harvest. If you catch any fish in Galesville with a hole punch in the operculum (plate over the gills), please e-mail Levi.m.simmons@odfw.oregon.gov.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, September 13th, 2023
Grande Ronde River: Fishing for resident fish can provide a mixed bag of species
Imnaha River: Fishing for mountain whitefish is excellent this time of year
Morgan Lake: Morgan Lake Fishing Report
Wallowa Lake : Wallowa Lake has been stocked with trout this year
Crescent Lake: Crescent Lake is currently 7 percent full
Crooked River: Anglers continue to report good and consistent fishing below Bowman Dam
East Lake: Anglers continue to report good trout fishing
Hood River: The Hood River continues to have poor visibility
Lake Billy Chinook: Anglers report fair kokanee, bass, and bull trout fishing
North Twin Lake: Anglers continue to report good fishing for stocked trout
Ochoco Reservoir: The reservoir is 36 percent full
Odell Lake: Anglers continue to report fair kokanee fishing
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir at 66 percent full
South Twin Lake: Anglers continue to report good fishing for stocked trout
Wickiup Reservoir: Anglers report fair kokanee and bass fishing
Clackamas River: Both Chinook and steelhead fishing has slowed down significantly
Detroit Reservoir: Water levels are slowly dropping and will continue to drop through the fall
Foster Reservoir: Scheduled to be stocked a few more times this fall
Green Peter Reservoir: The water level has dropped below the toe-slope of Thistle Creek boat ramp
Henry Hagg Lake: As fall approaches, bass become more active
Leaburg Lake: Beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flie
Middle Fork of the Williamette: The Chinook fishery will has pretty much wound down
North Fork Reservoir: Future stockings will continue to be weather dependent
Sandy River: Coho are being caught in the lower river
Alsea River: Fall Chinook is open on the Alsea
Kilchis River: Cutthroat are available throughout the river
Necanicum River: The wild coho fishery in Nehalem Bay opened Sept. 9.
Salmon River: Fall Chinook is open and picking up in the Salmon River
Siletz River: The Siletz has a variety of species to cast for this weekend!
Siuslaw River: Fall Chinook is back open on the Siuslaw
Trask River: Some fish showing up in tidewater
Yakima River: Fall Chinook is open on the Yaquina
: Trout fishing should start to pick up
Chetco River: The number of boats fishing the estuary for fall Chinook has picked up
Diamond Lake: Catch rates for rainbow trout at Diamond Lake remain slightly lower,
Elk River: The river is low and clear
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 15 percent full
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, September 7th, 2023
: Chinook retention reopens at Buoy 10 on Sept. 8
: ODFW Recreation Report

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