Rogue River - Middle Fish Report for 2-21-2024
The Rogue is currently in great shape
Rogue River - Middle - Grants Pass, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The current flow is 2,850 cfs and the average river temperature is about 46 F.
The Rogue is currently in great shape and anglers are having success catching winter steelhead from Galice to Grants Pass. With these conditions using bait, lures, flies, pulling plugs or plunking are classic techniques that can get you into a fish. Target eddy and current seams and travel lanes on the inside corners to find migrating steelhead. Expect the river to rise with the rain coming in later this week but that will bring in some new fish.
Current flow, temp and turbidity conditions for the Rogue can be found at the USGS stream gauges here, or checking the City of Grants Pass water page's river data here.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, February 21st, 2024Wallowa River: Steelhead fishing has been quite good on the Wallowa River over the past weeks
Ochoco Reservoir: The reservoir is 69 percent full
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir at 74 percent full
EE Wilson Angling Pond: Recenlty Stocked
Quartzville Creek: Flows have come down and are around 650 cfs
Santiam River ( North Fork) : River is currently running at around 2,600 cfs
Santiam River (South Fork): The river's turbidity is improving
Deschutes River- Lower: Lower Deschutes Slab
Wallowa River: Steelhead on a fly rod
Nehalem River- North Fork: Winter Steelhead!
Alsea River: The early winter steelhead have entered the Alsea River basin
Kilchis River: The Kilchis will be low through the weekend
Necanicum River: The hatchery steelhead run on the Necanicum River is nearly over
Nehalem River: The Nehalem fished well over the last week
Nehalem River- North Fork: Steelhead fishing on the North Fork Nehalem has slowed this week.
Nestucca River: Steelhead fishing on the Nestucca was fair last weekend
Salmon River: Early winter steelhead have been entering the system
Siletz River: The first big push of winter steelhead have entered the system
Siuslaw River: The Siuslaw is open for retention of hatchery winter steelhead
Three Rivers: There are hatchery steelhead available in Three Rivers
Trask River: The Trask River should fish through the weekend but may get high and off color early next week
Wilson River: Steelhead fishing on the Wilson River has been fair the past week
Applegate Reservoir: The reservoir near its normal wintertime level
Chetco River: Frequent storms have kept the river out of shape most of the season
Elk River: Fishing pressure has been light with all the frequent storms
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is at 35 percent full and filling very slowly
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is 57 percent full and reportedly there is open water for bank fishing
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie is 39 percent full
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt is currently 49 percent full
Illinois River: The Illinois River is open to catch-and-release trout and winter steelhead fishing
Lost Creek Lake: Lost Creek Lake Fishing Report
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