Coos River Fish Report for 8-7-2024
Coos River Basin Updates
Coos River - Coos Bay, OR (Coos County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Anglers can catch rockfish around the jetties in the lower Coos Bay estuary. Best fishing is typically near slack tides with good fishing one day and fair fishing the next. A jig fished with a twister tail trailer is always a good option to catch bottomfish.
The 2024 daily general marine fish bag limit is 5 fish plus 2 lingcod with no retention of yelloweye or quillback rockfish. Anglers are allowed to harvest 1 cabezon per day as part of the general marine fish bag limit.
Salmon anglers are restricted to 2 wild Chinook per day and 10 for the season (July 1 – Dec. 31) in the Coos Basin. A few salmon anglers have been trolling in between the jetties and up the bay around the Chip Pile with limited success.
Boat anglers are catching walleye surfperch and pile surfperch using sand shrimp along old pilings or along the edges of eel grass beds.
Trout fishing opened in rivers and streams on May 22. Fishing is restricted to artificial flies and lures in streams above tidewater from May 22 – Aug. 31. With the recent hot weather river temperatures in the larger rivers/streams will be warm and the best fishing will be in the mornings when temperatures are cooler.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, August 7th, 2024
John Day River: Bass fishing remains a good bet
Alsea River: Trout fishing is back open on the Alsea!
Kilchis River: Cutthroat trout fishing should be fair to good
Nehalem River: Fishing is picking up a little
Nestucca River: Summer steelhead are in the Nestucca
Salmon River: The Salmon River is open for trout fishing!
Siletz River: The Siletz is definitely picking up steam
Siuslaw River: The Siuslaw is open for trout fishing!
Wilson River: Release of hatchery summer steelhead
Yaquina River: Chinook angling is open on the Yaquina
Agate Lake: Agate Lake Updates
Applegate Reservoir: Anglers Doing Well at Applegate
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Good Rainbow and Bass Fishing
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Tuesday, August 6th, 2024
Necanicum River: Trout fishing should be fair to good
Tillamook Bay: There is still some opportunity at Tillamook Bay

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