Foster Reservoir Fish Report for 11-20-2024
Foster Reservoir Updates
Foster Reservoir - Sweet Home, OR (Linn County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
This reservoir near Sweet Home is usually stocked several times in the spring and early fall with over 28,000 hatchery trout. Besides trout, look for smallmouth bass and yellow perch near underwater structure and drop-offs. Please remember that only kokanee and adipose fin-clipped trout may be kept as part of the 5-trout bag limit, but there are no limits on size or number of bass.
Right now, the reservoir looks muddier than usual because of the deep drawdown of Green Peter Reservoir upstream, which has exposed lots of sediments to erosion and run-off. It should begin to clear up later this winter when reservoirs begin to fill up again.
Retention of warmwater fish species such as bluegill, catfish, crappie, and yellow perch is also allowed -- no limit on size or number. Anglers report good success in the two arms of the reservoir, as well as the shoreline in between.
They have released water out of the reservoir and the water level has dropped below the toe-slope at Calkins Park and Gedney boat ramps making them unusable. However, Sunnyside boat ramp will be available throughout the fall. Bank fishing access is available at several access points including at Caulkins, Sunnyside, Gedney and Lewis Creek parks.
This scenic 1,200-acre reservoir on the South Santiam River is located just 30 minutes from Interstate 5. There is good bank access at several rest stops and campgrounds, and three seasonal boat ramps.
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