Oregon Fish Report
Crane Prairie Reservoir Fish Report for 8-11-2007
Crane Prairie Reservoir Fish Report for 8-11-2007
Crane Prairie Reservoir Fish Report 08-11-07
Crane Prairie Reservoir - Sunriver, OR (Deschutes County)

by Fly and Field Outfitters
The time is here. If your planning on catching a 'cranebow' it's either now or next year or next week. Obviously if none of us had to work we would all be up there trying to break some kind of record. I'm starting to think work is just another way the fisheries are being regulated we just aren't supposed to know that. The chironomids are the ticket to the big fish days, using long leaders focus on the various creek/river channels that sit a smidge below the lake bed. Depth is extremely important when fishing with the 'chironobobbing' method. Give it a shot, it can be very addicting.
More Reports
Fly and Field Outfitters LLC Reports
for Saturday, August 11th, 2007
Lake Davis: Davis Lake Fish Report 08-11-07
Deschutes River- Upper: Upper Deschutes River Fish Report 08-11-07

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