Crescent Lake - Crescent, OR

Lake Information

Surface Area:4547 acres
Shoreline:12.4 miles
Maximum Depth:265 ft.
Capacity:566600 acre ft.
Elevation:4839 ft.
Fish Species: Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Mackinaw Trout, Kokanee Salmon

Latest Fish Reports

Date Report Author
9-11-2024 Currently Closed Due to the Red Fire
The area surrounding Crescent Lake is current closed... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
9-4-2024 Crescent Lake Updates
The area surrounding Crescent Lake is current closed... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
8-28-2024 Limited Access to Crescent
The area surrounding Crescent Lake is current closed... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
8-21-2024 Crescent Lake is currently 15 percent full
The area surrounding Crescent Lake is current closed... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
7-31-2024 Good Fishing But Limited Access at Crescent
Open to fishing all year. Recent reports of... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

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