Santiam River ( North Fork) Fish Report for 5-5-2022
Santiam River North Fork Report
Santiam River ( North Fork) - Stayton, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Many public access points along the river are still closed from recent wildfires, including Fisherman’s Bend, and all recreation areas along the Little North Fork. But Packsaddle Park has re-opened, which is just below Minto Dam. Anglers can still access the river from Stayton downstream and in a few places above such as the Mehama bridge and North Santiam State Park.
No recent fishing reports. River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running at 3,800 cfs at the gauge in Mehama. Water clarity is good as well.
Chinook salmon returns have started in earnest at Willamette Falls, with hundreds of adult fish passing above the falls daily. Counts are up to 2,346 as of May 2. They should be arriving in the Santiam basin over the next few weeks. Summer steelhead counts are still low, but a few fish can be found already above Stayton with more on the way.
Fishing for hatchery steelhead is open year-round. Trout season will start back up again on May 22. Bait is now allowed until October 31. Any unclipped (wild) steelhead that are caught must be released unharmed.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, May 5th, 2022Detroit Reservoir: Anglers have reported catching lots of small Chinook salmon in pursuit of kokanee and trout
Fern Ridge Reservoir: Bass and crappie are available throughout the spring and summer
Green Peter Reservoir: This reservoir is filling with the recent rains
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, May 4th, 2022Brownlee Reservoir: Anglers in the Powder River arm have recently had good catches of perch and bass
Oxbow Reservoir: Anglers have been successful catching bass in Oxbow Reservoir
Hells Canyon Reservoir: Bass anglers have had some success on Hells Canyon reservoir
Snake River- Below Hells Canyon Reservoir: Steelhead fishing has closed on the Snake River
Grande Ronde River: Steelhead fishing is closed on the Grande Ronde River
Imnaha River: Steelhead fishing is closed on the Imnaha River
Morgan Lake: Morgan Lake opened for fishing on April 22
Umatilla River: The flows in the Umatilla came up me up in the past week
Wallowa Lake : Fishing has been good for rainbow trout
Wallowa River: Steelhead fishing is closed on the Wallowa River
Alton Baker Canoe Canal: This Saturday, May 7, ODFW will host a free Family Fishing event
Foster Reservoir: The water level in the reservoir is currently low

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