Columbia River Fish Report for 5-10-2022
States set 2022 Columbia River summer/fall salmon and steelhead seasons
Columbia River

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
CLACKAMAS, Ore. – Oregon and Washington fishery managers recently finalized seasons and regulations for 2022 Columbia River summer and fall recreational salmon and steelhead fisheries.
Forecasts for summer Chinook, fall Chinook, and coho will allow opportunity for anglers to target these fish but with added protections for ESA-listed LCR fall Chinook. The forecast for upriver summer steelhead of 99,700 is below average and will require conservative retention regulations again this year. In addition, while the sockeye forecast of 199,700 is large enough to allow a retention fishery, this forecast includes only 19,200 Wenatchee River sockeye which is below the escapement goal; therefore there will be no directed sockeye fishery in the Columbia River downstream of the Wenatchee River confluence.
For the summer season, retention of adult hatchery Chinook will open June 16 and is expected to continue through June 22 downstream of Bonneville Dam and through July 31 from Bonneville Dam upstream to the Oregon/Washington border. Hatchery steelhead retention will be allowed June 16 to July 31 from the Astoria-Megler Bridge upstream to The Dalles Dam and June 16-August 31 from the Dalles Dam upstream to the OR/WA border with a reduced bag limit of one fish.
This year's adult fall Chinook forecast of 485,500 fish is similar to the actual return in 2021. Chinook retention seasons start Aug. 1 and vary by river section and include additional protection measures for ESA-listed LCR fall Chinook, including mark-selective (adipose fin-clipped only) rules for Chinook at Buoy 10 through Aug. 24 and closures of salmonid angling upstream of west Puget Island when Chinook retention is prohibited.
Due to the low forecast for upriver summer steelhead, protective regulations will include a one hatchery steelhead daily bag limit when open, area-specific retention closures, and Thermal Angling Sanctuaries encompassing portions of Eagle Creek, Herman Creek, the Deschutes River, and the Columbia River near the mouths of these tributaries. Tributary fisheries in the Deschutes and John Day rivers are also restricted until additional information about the strength of the wild upriver summer steelhead run becomes available.
For more information about upcoming Columbia River seasons, including regulation updates, visit ODFW's online fishing reports at
The following are detailed regulations for the 2022 Columbia River summer and fall salmon and steelhead seasons. Remember all regulations are subject to change; anglers should check their zone in the Recreation Report before fishing to make sure seasons haven't changed
2022 mainstem Columbia River summer/fall salmon and steelhead regulations*
Summer Season (June 16 – July 31)
Astoria-Megler Bridge upstream to Bonneville Dam
- Retention of sockeye is prohibited.
- Retention of adult hatchery Chinook allowed June 16–22.
- Retention of hatchery steelhead is allowed.
- The daily adult bag limit is two salmonids during June 16–22, but only one may be a hatchery steelhead. The daily adult bag limit is one hatchery steelhead during June 23 – July 31.
- Retention of hatchery jack Chinook allowed a.
Bonneville Dam upstream to Hwy 395 Bridge (Pasco, WA)
- Retention of sockeye is prohibited.
- Retention of hatchery Chinook (adults and jacks a) and hatchery steelhead allowed.
- The daily adult bag limit is two salmonids, but only one may be a hatchery steelhead.
Fall Season (August 1 – December 31)
For all fall-season salmonid fisheries, each legal angler aboard a vessel may continue to deploy angling gear until the daily adult salmonid bag limit for all anglers aboard has been achieved.
Buoy 10 upstream to west Puget Island
Area definition: From the Buoy 10 line upstream to a line at the west end of Puget Island extending from green navigation marker #39 on the Washington shore to green navigation marker #41, then to red navigation marker #42, and terminating at red navigation marker #44A on the Oregon shore.
General regulations during August 1 – December 31: 1) adult Chinook are longer than 24-inches; 2) adult coho are 16-inches and longer if caught downstream of the Tongue Point – Rocky Point line (defined as: a line projected from Rocky Point on the Washington shore through red navigation buoy #44 to the navigation marker at Tongue Point on the Oregon shore), and adult coho are longer than 20-inches if caught upstream of the Tongue Point – Rocky Point line; 3) wild coho must be released; 4) all steelhead must be released August 1 – October 31; and 5) retention of jack salmon prohibited through September 30 downstream of the Tongue Point – Rocky Point line, but is allowed a beginning August 1 upstream of the Tongue Point – Rocky Point line.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
- August 1 – 24: Retention of adipose fin-clipped Chinook and hatchery coho allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmon, but only one may be a Chinook.
- August 25 – September 7: Retention of Chinook and hatchery coho allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmon, but only one may be a Chinook.
- September 8 – 30: Retention of hatchery coho allowed. All Chinook must be released. The daily adult bag limit is three hatchery coho.
- October 1 – 31: Retention of Chinook and hatchery coho allowed. The daily adult bag limit is three salmon, but only one may be a Chinook.
- November 1 – December 31: Retention of Chinook, hatchery coho, and hatchery steelhead allowed. The daily adult bag limit is three salmonids, but only one may be a Chinook and only two may be steelhead.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
West Puget Island upstream to Warrior Rock/Bachelor Island
Area definition: From a line at the west end of Puget Island extending from green navigation marker #39 on the Washington shore to green navigation marker #41, then to red navigation marker #42, and terminating at red navigation marker #44A on the Oregon shore upstream to a line projected from the Warrior Rock Lighthouse on the Oregon shore to red navigation buoy #4, then to the piling dolphin on the lower end of Bachelor Island.
General regulations during August 1 – December 31: 1) adult Chinook are longer than 24-inches, 2) adult coho are longer than 20-inches, 3) wild coho must be released, 4) all steelhead must be released August 1 – October 31, 5) retention of jack salmon allowed a, 6) salmonid angling closed when Chinook retention is prohibited.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
- August 1 – September 7: Retention of Chinook and hatchery coho allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmon, but only one may be a Chinook.
- September 8 – 30: Salmonid angling prohibited.
- October 1 – October 31: Retention of Chinook and hatchery coho allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmon, but only one may be a Chinook.
- November 1 – December 31: Retention of Chinook, hatchery coho, and hatchery steelhead allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmonids, but only one may be a Chinook.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
Warrior Rock/Bachelor Island upstream to Bonneville Dam
Area definition: From a line projected from the Warrior Rock Lighthouse on the Oregon shore to red navigation buoy #4, then to the piling dolphin on the lower end of Bachelor Island upstream to Bonneville Dam.
General regulations during August 1 – December 31: 1) adult Chinook are longer than 24-inches, 2) adult coho are longer than 20-inches, 3) wild coho must be released, 4) all steelhead must be released August 1 – October 31, 5) retention of jack salmon allowed a, 6) salmonid angling closed when Chinook retention is prohibited.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
- August 1 – September 13: Retention of Chinook and hatchery coho allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmon, but only one may be a Chinook.
- September 14 – 30: Salmonid angling prohibited.
- October 1 – October 31: Retention of Chinook and hatchery coho allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmon, but only one may be a Chinook.
- November 1 – December 31: Retention of Chinook, hatchery coho, and hatchery steelhead allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmonids, but only one may be a Chinook.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
Bonneville Dam upstream to The Dalles Dam b
General regulations during August 1 – December 31: 1) adult Chinook are longer than 24-inches, 2) adult coho are longer than 20-inches, 3) only hatchery coho (adults and jacks) may be retained downstream of the Hood River Bridge, 4) all steelhead must be released August 1 – October 31, and 5) retention of jack salmon allowed a.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
- August 1 – October 31: Retention of Chinook and coho allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmon, but only one may be a Chinook.
- November 1 – December 31: Retention of Chinook, coho, and hatchery steelhead allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmonids, but only one may be a Chinook.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
The Dalles Dam upstream to Hwy 395 Bridge (Pasco, WA) b
General regulations during August 1 – December 31: 1) adult Chinook are longer than 24-inches, 2) adult coho are longer than 20-inches, 3) all steelhead must be released September 1 – December 31, and 4) retention of jack salmon allowed a.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
- August 1 – 31: Retention of Chinook, coho, and hatchery steelhead allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmonids, but only one may be a Chinook and only one may be a hatchery steelhead.
- September 1 – December 31: Retention of Chinook and coho allowed. The daily adult bag limit is two salmonids, but only one may be a Chinook.
- Additional regulations by date period are described below:
* Regulations may be subject to in-season modification, visit for current regulations.
a The daily bag limit for jack salmon in Oregon is five fish.
b Temporary rules for Thermal Angling Sanctuaries associated with Eagle Creek, Herman Creek, and the Deschutes River are described below.
2022 summer/fall salmon and steelhead regulations for Columbia River Thermal Angling Sanctuaries (Eagle Cr., Herman Cr., Deschutes River) and the lower John Day River.
Permanent regulations and/or new temporary rules apply for other sections of these tributaries.
Eagle Creek (Central Zone)
Area definition: From the angling deadline in Eagle Creek (200 feet downstream of hatchery fishway entrance) downstream to the mouth at the mainline railroad bridge.
- June 16 – July 14: Permanent rules apply except only one hatchery steelhead allowed in the daily adult salmonid bag limit.
- July 15 – September 15: Closed to angling.
- September 16 – November 30: Closed to salmon and steelhead angling/retention.
- December 1–31:Permanent rules apply.
Eagle Creek Mouth (Columbia River Zone)
Area definition: The mainstem Columbia River adjacent to the mouth of Eagle Creek from the mainline railroad bridge northwest to a line projecting from a marker on the Oregon shore approximately 200 feet downstream of Eagle Creek, through red navigation buoy #4, and terminating at a marker on the Oregon shore approximately 325 feet upstream of Eagle Creek.
- June 16 – July 14: See rules for Columbia River mainstem from Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam.
- July 15 – September 15: Closed to angling.
- September 16 – December 31:See rules for Columbia River mainstem from Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam.
Herman Creek (Columbia River Zone)
Area definition: From the mainline railroad bridge downstream to markers at mouth.
- June 16 – July 14: See rules for Columbia River mainstem from Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam.
- July 15 – November 30: Closed to angling.
- December 1–31:See rules for Columbia River mainstem from Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam.
Herman Creek Lagoon (Columbia River Zone)
Area definition: Herman Creek Lagoon/Cove east of a line from the northwest tip of the jetty, south to a marker on the Oregon shore.
- June 16 – July 14: See rules for Columbia River mainstem from Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam.
- July 15 – September 15: Closed to angling.
- September 16 – December 31:See rules for Columbia River mainstem from Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam.
Deschutes River (Central Zone)
Area definition: From markers at lower end of Moody Rapids downstream to the mouth at Interstate 84 Bridge.
- June 16 – July 14: Closed to steelhead retention.
- July 15 – September 15: Closed to angling.
- September 16 – December 31: Visit to check regulation status.
Deschutes River Mouth (Columbia River Zone)
Area definition: The mainstem Columbia River adjacent to the mouth of the Deschutes River from the Interstate 84 Bridge north to a line projecting from the flashing red navigation marker #2 located approximately 1.5 miles downstream of the Deschutes River mouth on the Oregon shore, upstream to the red navigation marker #4, then to the lower South Channel Range "B" marker located on the Oregon shore approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the Deschutes River mouth.
- June 16 – July 14: See rules for Columbia River mainstem from The Dalles Dam upstream to Hwy 395 Bridge (Pasco, WA).
- July 15 – September 15: Closed to angling.
- September 16 – December 31:See rules for Columbia River mainstem from The Dalles Dam upstream to Hwy 395 Bridge
John Day River (Northeast Zone)
Area definition: From the mainline railroad bridge at the mouth, upstream to a marker ¼ mile below Tumwater Falls.
- June 16 – August 31: One hatchery steelhead allowed in the daily adult salmonid bag limit.
- September 1 – December 31: Steelhead retention prohibited.
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for Thursday, May 5th, 2022Detroit Reservoir: Anglers have reported catching lots of small Chinook salmon in pursuit of kokanee and trout
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Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is scheduled to receive its first trout stocking of the season this week
Howard Prairie Reservoir: The lake is ice-free, but access is limited

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