McKenzie River Fish Report for 5-19-2022
McKenzie River Fishing Report
McKenzie River - Coburg, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
MCKENZIE RIVER below Leaburg Lake (R1):
Was stocked on May 4 with 5,166 hatchery rainbow trout. Bait can be used from April 22 – Oct. 31, but beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flies.
The Leaburg Dam fish counts are a great spring salmon and summer steelhead resource, and information is back online. Counts are updated by the Corps of Engineers weekly. These resources are most useful to anglers from May – September.
All non-adipose fin-clipped trout must be released unharmed. Check page 46 of the 2021 Sport Fishing Regulations for bait restrictions in the segment you plan to fish. Beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flies.
The lower McKenzie River is open to retention of adipose fin-clipped salmon and steelhead and non-adipose fin-clipped steelhead greater than 24 inches long. A Columbia River Basin Endorsement is required for anglers targeting salmon and steelhead in the McKenzie.
MCKENZIE RIVER above Leaburg Lake (R2):
Will be stocked this week with 7,565 rainbow trout.
All non-adipose fin-clipped trout must be released unharmed. Bait is allowed from Leaburg Dam to Forest Glen Boat Ramp from April 22 – Oct 31. Last updated 5/18/22.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, May 19th, 2022Chewaucan River: People have already caught some really nice trout in the river with lures
Fourmile Lake: The road into Fourmile Lake is still closed by the USFS
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir is 16 percent full
Heart Lake: Fishing has been good for fish in the 6-8” range
Holbrook Reservoir: Trolling for rainbows is very productive as is bait fishing
Upper Klamath Lake: The lake remains 2.5 feet below full pool and 61 percent full
Lake Of The Woods: Lake of the Woods has been stocked heavily with trophy rainbows
Lofton Reservoir: This reservoir will be stocked this week
Miller Lake: The recent snow might block access
Sprague River: Fishing will improve for redband trout as water temperatures increase
North Fork Sprague River: Flows have decreased to 147 cfs
South Fork Sprague River: Snow will limit access to some areas
Sun Creek: The Sun Pass State Road is closed. Fishing not recommended at this time.
Williamson River: Upper Williamson River Report
Wood River: Water temperatures remain very cold
Umatilla River: The spring Chinook season opened on April 15
Wallowa Lake : There are some nice kokanee available this year
Tillamook Bay: Spring Chinook are in Tillamook Bay
Trask River: There have been fish caught at the hatchery hole and Loren’s drift
Alton Baker Canoe Canal: Will be stocked again this week
Dexter Reservoir: Was last stocked the week of May 2nd
EE Wilson Angling Pond: Will be stocked this week
Fall Creek: Was last stocked the week of May 9
Foster Reservoir: The water level in the reservoir is currently low
Green Peter Reservoir: Recent fishing reports are that the bass fishing is good
Junction City Pond: The pond will be stocked this week
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, May 18th, 2022
Tillamook Bay: ODFW researching shellfish in Tillamook Bay
Columbia River: Another 11 Columbia River spring Chinook fishing days added downstream of Bonneville Dam, two fishing days added upstream

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