Oregon Fish Report
Santiam River ( North Fork) Fish Report for 7-12-2023
Santiam River ( North Fork) Fish Report for 7-12-2023
Currently running at around 1,320 cfs at the gauge in Meham
Santiam River ( North Fork) - Stayton, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
No recent fishing reports. River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running at around 1,320 cfs at the gauge in Mehama.
The spring Chinook are entering the upper Willamette basin in the hundreds every day, with many of these fish destined for the Santiam. So far over 22,300 adult Chinook have navigated above Willamette Falls as of July 8.
On the other hand, it looks like it will be another disappointing summer steelhead run this year with only 740 fish having been counted so far.
Fishing for hatchery steelhead is open year-round. Any unclipped (wild) steelhead or trout that are caught must be released unharmed
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, July 12th, 2023Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 57 percent full
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is at 64 percent full
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie is at 47 percent full and on the drop
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt is 53 percent full and dropping
Plat I Reservoir: Bass fishing in mid-morning may land some good fish
Rogue River - Middle: Current flow is around 2,100 cfs and average river temperature in the mid-60s F
Rogue River- Upper: Summer steelhead are still moving into the upper river
Umpqua River: Steelhead fishing is reportedly slow
Kilchis River: Cutthroat are available throughout the river
Necanicum River: Sea-run cutthroat fishing has been good in tidewater
Trask River: Spring Chinook fishing is slowing down in the Trask River
Wilson Reservoir: There are cutthroat trout throughout the Wilson basin
Breitenbush River: River flows have dropped and are now around 160 cfs
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir was stocked several times this spring
Portion of McKenzie River closes to salmon angling July 15-Dec. 31
McKenzie River
SPRINGFIELD, Ore.—Due to concerns about protecting wild Chinook salmon that are holding in the McKenzie River near Leaburg Dam and...... Read More

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