Emigrant Reservoir Fish Report for 8-9-2023
Emigrant is 38 percent full, dropping four feet since last week
Emigrant Reservoir - Ashland, OR (Jackson County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Emigrant is 38 percent full, dropping four feet since last week. The main boat ramp at the county park is usable, while the old road in the Hill Creek arm of the reservoir may still provide access for small craft and inflatables that can be carried to the water.
Fishing is good for both smallmouth and largemouth bass, as well as black crappie. Bass and other warmwater fish should be active near shore and structure, like the willows near the inlet.
Legal rainbow trout have been stocked. Hot weather likely sent trout into deeper, cooler water.
There is a longstanding health advisory for consumption of resident warmwater species in Emigrant for high levels of mercury. Consult the sportfishing regulations or the Oregon Health Authority for more information on consumption guidelines.
The most current elevations for Emigrant Reservoir and other Rogue Basin reservoirs can be found on the Bureau of Reclamation's website, here.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, August 9th, 2023
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, August 9th, 2023
Chewaucan River: Chewaucan River Fishing Report
Cottonwood Reservoir: Cottonwood Reservoir Fishing Report
Dead Horse Lake: Dead Horse Lake Fishing Report
Duncan Reservoir: Duncan Reservoir Fishing Report
Heart Lake: Heart Lake Fishing Report

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