Siletz River Fish Report for 9-20-2023
Siletz will be your best bet for any summer steelhead coming back into the basin
Siletz River - Lincoln City, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Siletz has a variety of species to cast for this weekend!
Fall Chinook has opened on the Siletz and, same as our other Mid Coast basins, it's early but fishing is definitely picking up. Fish have started coming up into the bay and further up into tidewater through Windy Bend. Fish have been seen and caught as far up as Illahee Boat Ramp. Anglers have been catching some nice size fish in tidewater and below, out near the mouth as well.
Folks have been using a variety of techniques with a variety of success. If you don't have access to a motorized boat to troll for salmon, you can try bobber and eggs casting along the banks of the Siletz. A lot of anglers have been using bobber and eggs in the afternoons with decent success!
Hatchery steelhead are still moving around higher in the basin, and bank casting higher in the gorge may lead to a successful trip. They have been caught throughout the system, though not many have been reported.
It's been a slow-going season for summer steelhead with just not a lot of fish caught in the basin. It continues to stay slow with the hotter dryer weather we have had throughout the coast. Some fish are still being seen in the basin though not a lot have been caught.
We have seen a consistent number of hatchery fish reaching the trap higher up in the Gorge, so fish have taken advantage of some of the cooler temps and the small amounts of rain we have gotten and are moving higher up. There are still a few fish hanging around in the gorge area.
Going into the weekend the Siletz will be your best bet for any summer steelhead coming back into the basin.
Wild coho retention opened last Friday and will stay open until Oct. 15. Fish have been caught throughout tidewater, often biting at rigs set up for Chinook. Spinners are also always a good bet for coho. Check out the regulations before you head out this weekend!
Trout fishing remains open through Oct. 31.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, September 20th, 2023Deschutes River- Lower: Chinook fishing at Sherars has been good the past few weeks
Laurance Lake: Laurance Lake closes to fishing Nov. 1
Alton Baker Canoe Canal: Will be stocked again this week with 900 hatchery rainbow trout
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir is still mostly full
Gold Lake: Gold Lake is open for fishing
Green Peter Reservoir: The water level has dropped below the toe-slope of Thistle Creek boat ramp
Henry Hagg Lake: The best time to catch bass during fall is typically early morning or late evening
Quartzville Creek: Currently it is at 15 cfs
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 1,200 cfs at the Waterloo gauge
Alsea River: Fall Chinook is open on the Alsea
Nehalem River: Chinook fishing slowed this week
Salmon River: Fall Chinook is open and picking up in the Salmon River
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, September 14th, 2023
: Recreational ocean salmon in-season changes between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mt.
: ODFW Recreation Report

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