Oregon Fish Report
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek) Fish Report for 10-4-2023
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek) Fish Report for 10-4-2023
The river upstream of Lost Creek remains a good place to fish
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek) - Prospect, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Even though trout stocking has stopped for the year, the river upstream of Lost Creek remains a good place to fish for remaining stocked trout while enjoying fall colors.
The Rogue and tributaries above Lost Creek Reservoir remain open year-round, with a daily retention limit of 5 trout (no limit on brook trout).
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 4th, 2023Deschutes River: Anglers have been reporting good trout fishing lately
Fall River: Fly-anglers report excellent autumn fishing in the Fall River
Ochoco Reservoir: The reservoir is 32 percent full
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir at 61 percent full
Wickiup Reservoir: Anglers report fair kokanee and bass fishing
Breitenbush River: With nice weather forecasted this week this river looks to be a nice option for trout fishing
Detroit Reservoir: Water levels are slowly dropping and will continue to drop through the fall
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir was stocked several times this spring
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Coho fishing looks very promising these next few weeks
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 2,250 cfs
Alsea River: Fall Chinook is open on the Alsea
Kilchis River: Cutthroat are available throughout the river
Necanicum River: The Necanicum had some fall Chinook move into the river on last week's rain
Nehalem River: Chinook fishing has slowed some but remains fair in Nehalem Bay
Nestucca River: Fall Chinook fishing in the Nestucca has been fair
Siuslaw River: Fall Chinook has started to pick up the last few weeks on the Siuslaw river!
Trask River: Trask River Report
Chetco River: Salmon fishing in the estuary continues to be good
Coos River: Anglers can catch rockfish around the jetties in the lower Coos Bay estuary
Coquille River: Coho salmon has been good for anglers fishing from the Highway 101 Bridge to Rocky Point
Elk River: Recent rains have brought a few Chinook into the river
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 13 percent full
Fish Lake : Trout fishing should be good
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie is 34 percent full
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt is currently 40 percent full
Illinois River: The Illinois is now closed to fishing between 8 Dollar Bridge and Pomeroy Dam
Lost Creek Lake: Trout and bass fishing should be good
Rogue River- Lower: Angling pressure has dropped considerably in the Rogue Bay
Rogue River - Middle: The current flow is 1280cfs, and the average river temperature is 56 F
Rogue River- Upper: The focus on the upper Rogue continues to be summer steelhead and trout fishing
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