Fish Report for 9-29-2023
ODFW Recreation Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Western buck deer opens Oct. 7
Here are a few tips to help you get ready for opening weekend.
- Buy your tag. The tag sale deadline isn't until Oct. 6, but this is an easy thing to cross off your list now.
- Speaking of lists, look over the Hunters checklist to make sure you've got everything you need for a successful hunt.
- Do a little "scouting" in the Big game hunting forecast and Recreation Report to find a great place to hunt.
- If you're e-tagging, download the latest version of the MyODFW app from Google Play or the Apple App store. Here are more e-tagging tips.
Oct. 6 last day to buy bear tag
If you're hoping to bag a bear while hunting this fall, Friday, Oct. 6 is the last day to buy a fall bear tag. SportsPac holders, don't forget to redeem your voucher.
Best bets for weekend fishing
After several days of rain in much of the state, the weekend is looking dry and even sunny. Sounds like a great fishing weather.
- The recent rain should bring river levels up enough to get coho and Chinook moving through the rivers.
- This could be the best time of the year to fish the high, hike-in lakes for trout. Fish are feeding heavily in preparation for the winter, and fishing should be good until snow limits access.
- There are a lot of stocked trout still swimming around in lakes and reservoirs that were heavily stocked this spring and early summer. And they should be ready to bite thanks to the cool, fall weather.
- Brook and brown trout are starting to gather up in preparation for spawning.
- Bass fishing can still be good into the fall. Best fishing will probably be during the warmest parts of the day.
Check the zone reports for more details and locations.
CWD check stations, other ways to get your animal tested
ODFW continues to monitor hunter harvested deer and elk for CWD – a fatal, highly infectious disease. What can hunters do to help combat CWD?
- If you pass a CWD check station, stop and have your animal tested. It takes only 10 minutes and is legally required.
- If you don't find a check station, learn the other ways you can have your animal tested.
Find out more about CWD, check station locations and the ways to have your animal tested.
Beach visitors, including dogs: Avoid sea lions on the beach
Each fall, some California sea lions die of leptospirosis on Oregon beaches. If you see a dead or injured sea lion or other marine mammal, keep your distance and report it to the Oregon State Police at 1-800-452-7888. Learn more.
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ODFW Recreation Report

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, September 20th, 2023Deschutes River- Lower: Chinook fishing at Sherars has been good the past few weeks
Laurance Lake: Laurance Lake closes to fishing Nov. 1
Alton Baker Canoe Canal: Will be stocked again this week with 900 hatchery rainbow trout
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir is still mostly full
Gold Lake: Gold Lake is open for fishing
Green Peter Reservoir: The water level has dropped below the toe-slope of Thistle Creek boat ramp
Henry Hagg Lake: The best time to catch bass during fall is typically early morning or late evening
Quartzville Creek: Currently it is at 15 cfs
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 1,200 cfs at the Waterloo gauge
Alsea River: Fall Chinook is open on the Alsea
Nehalem River: Chinook fishing slowed this week
Salmon River: Fall Chinook is open and picking up in the Salmon River
Siletz River: Siletz will be your best bet for any summer steelhead coming back into the basin
Siuslaw River: Fall Chinook has started to pick up the last two weeks on the Siuslaw river!
Yaquina River: The tides have been affecting the fishery a great deal

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