Owyhee Reservoir Fish Report for 7-24-2024
Owyhee Reservoir Updates
Owyhee Reservoir - Vale, OR (Malheur County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Owyhee Reservoir is 85 percent full, with Gordon Gulch, Indian Creek and Leslie Gulch boat ramps all open and usable. There are some older, larger crappie in the 12-inch range. Fishing for crappie can be productive if you can find them. Many crappie may be suspended in the water column right now.
Channel catfish will be most concentrated in wide flats with relatively shallow water between 2 and 15 feet deep.
Trout fishing has been productive this spring in the lower reservoir as well. Trolling or fishing streamer flies from the bank can be effective in the lower reservoir near the forbay.
Anglers targeting bass may catch some with tags near the dorsal fin. ODFW is studying bass movement, condition and angler harvest of bass. The tags have a four-digit number and can be reported by phone or on MyODFW.com.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
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