Green Peter Reservoir Fish Report for 7-31-2024
Water Level Dropping Slowly
Green Peter Reservoir - Sweet, OR (Linn County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The water level in Green Peter is about 25 feet below full pool and dropping slowly. Both Thistle Creek and Whitcomb boat ramps are available to launch boats. This is a great time of year to target trout and smallmouth bass in the reservoir. Focus on areas with structure, such as drop-offs, ledges, and downed wood, to increase your chances of success. Fishing is best either very early or very late in the day.
The reservoir is usually stocked with trout in the spring. It was stocked before Memorial Day with around 2,800 trout. Also, as a reminder to anglers, fishing for and harvesting Chinook in the lake and the rivers above is prohibited. Any Chinook caught in Green Peter reservoir must be released unharmed.
For the latest information on water levels at Green Peter Reservoir check with the Army Corps of Engineers' website for more information.
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