Productive Fishing at Wickiup

Wickiup Reservoir - La Pine, OR (Deschutes County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Wickiup Reservoir is 22 percent full, but now rising as the reservoir fills over the winter. Anglers continue to report productive fishing for very nice rainbow and brown trout. Wickiup Reservoir will close to fishing for the year on Oct. 31.

The Deschutes River Arm from the Gull Point Boat Ramp to the ODFW makers near Sheeps Bridge is closed from Sept 1 through April 21, annually, to protect spawning kokanee. A reminder that Deschutes River regulations (May 22 opener) apply upstream of the markers near Sheeps Bridge.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 23rd
McKay Reservoir: McKay Reservoir Closed for Fishing
Morgan Lake: Nice Rainbow Trout in Morgan Lake
Umatilla River: Good Numbers of Fish this Fall
Wallowa Lake : Kokanee still available at Wallowa Lake
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Good Trout and Bass Fishing at Crane Prairie
Deschutes River: Deschutes River (mouth to Pelton Dam) Updates
East Lake: Low Water Levels at East Lake
Haystack Reservoir: Haystack Reservoir Updates
Lake Billy Chinook: Reports of Good Fishing
Ochoco Reservoir: Reports of Good Rainbow Trout and Large Fish
Prinevile Reservoir: Fair Fishing at Prinevile Reservoir

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, October 18th
: ODFW Recreation Report
Klamath River - Upper - OR: First salmon since 1912 spotted in Oregon’s Klamath Basin months after dam removal