Nehalem River Fish Report for 10-23-2024
Nehalem River Updates
Nehalem River - Nehalm, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Nehalem fall Chinook fishing has slowed a little recently but there are still some Chinook being caught. The majority of harvest has been from Nehalem to the confluence with the North Fork. There should be some fish pushing into the lower River at this point as well.
The Nehalem gets a return of hatchery coho salmon that are in the bay and starting to return to the North Fork Nehalem as well. Oct. 23 was the last day of wild coho retention on the North Coast and NO retention of wild coho is allowed in the Nehalem for the remainder of the year.
Trolling with flashers and spinners seems to be the go-to technique for this fishery in the bay, but trolling herring is always a good option for Chinook as well. In upper tidewater bobber fishing bait can be effective. The bag limit for wild adult Chinook is 1/day and 5 for the season from July 1 to Nov. 30. See the regulation updates for more details.
There are cutthroat trout throughout the Nehalem basin. Most of the sea-run cutthroat are up in the rivers and tributaries by this time of year.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
McKay Reservoir: McKay Reservoir Closed for Fishing
Morgan Lake: Nice Rainbow Trout in Morgan Lake
Umatilla River: Good Numbers of Fish this Fall
Wallowa Lake : Kokanee still available at Wallowa Lake
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Good Trout and Bass Fishing at Crane Prairie
Deschutes River: Deschutes River (mouth to Pelton Dam) Updates
East Lake: Low Water Levels at East Lake
Haystack Reservoir: Haystack Reservoir Updates
Lake Billy Chinook: Reports of Good Fishing
Ochoco Reservoir: Reports of Good Rainbow Trout and Large Fish
Prinevile Reservoir: Fair Fishing at Prinevile Reservoir
Wickiup Reservoir: Productive Fishing at Wickiup
Detroit Reservoir: Water Levels Continue to Drop
Foster Reservoir: Foster Reservoir Updates
Quartzville Creek: Quartzville Creek Updates
Santiam River ( North Fork) : More Fish Coming Every Day
Santiam River (South Fork): Fish Will Be Available for Several Months
Willamette River: Mid Willamette River Updates
Alsea River: Alsea River Updates
Kilchis River: Fair to Good Fishing for Cutthroat Trout
Columbia River: Lower Columbia tributaries (Big Cr., Gnat Cr. Klaskanine R.) Updates
Necanicum River: Necanicum River Updates
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, October 18th, 2024
: ODFW Recreation Report
Klamath River - Upper - OR: First salmon since 1912 spotted in Oregon’s Klamath Basin months after dam removal

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