Wood River Fish Report for 6-23-2021
Flows are a Little High Due to Flows in Annie Creek
Wood River - Klamath Falls, OR (Klamath County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Petric Canal is considered part of the Wood River and is catch-and-release for redband trout.
This is one of the best months for match-the-hatch fly-fishing. Best section is from Fort Klamath to Weed Road.
Flows are a little high due to flows in Annie Creek. Using spoons, plugs or spinners is best for brown trout. Brown trout are typically feeding on sculpin, worms and stonefly nymphs this time of year. June is also a good time for match the hatch dry fly fishing. Salmonflies along with multiple species of mayfly are hatching. Best fishing is from a boat. There is ample public property to fish on the Wood River at the BLM Wetland but access to the river is difficult due to an excellent riparian area.
Most boats launch at Weed Road and float to Petric Canal take out. Fishing kayaks can be launched at all the road crossings, the USFS day use area or Kimball State Park. The float from Fort Klamath to Weed Road can be productive but there are numerous dams and obstacles that need portaged. A typical drift boat cannot make it under the bridges. Water temperatures are still very cold, therefore there’s not much activity in the upper river.
Also, all radio tagged redband trout must be released unharmed. Redband trout will have what looks to be fishing line coming from the abdomen. These fish will be 6-18 inches in length.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021
Siletz River: A Few Summer Steelhead and Spring Chinook are Starting To Show up
Detroit Reservoir: Will Be Stocked Again This Week With 4,200 Hatchery Trout
Junction City Pond: Construction Work at Junction City Pond Will Take Place Sometime in The Next Two Weeks
Quartzville Creek: This River Above Green Peter Reservoir Will Be Stocked Again This Week
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Hatchery Trout Harvest is Now Open Unitl Oct. 31
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: The River is Slowly Dropping and Will Contiune to Drop as Summer Progresses
Santiam River (South Fork): A Few Summer Steelhead Have Already Shown Up
Grande Ronde River: The Flows on the Grande Ronde Have Been Holding Out for Boating and Fishing Should be Picking Up
Imnaha River: The Flows are Currently Moderate and Conducive to Fishing
Wallowa Lake : Wallowa Lake Has Been Fishing Well For Kokanne
Wallowa River: Lower Expected Flows This Year Means the River SHould Fish Well Throughout the Next Few Weeks
Ana Reservoir: The Reservoir Was Stocked With 4,000 Rainbow Trout
Ana River: A Fisherman Reported Catching a 25-Inch Rainbow Trout in the River Recently!
Campbell Reservoir: Water Levels Are Low
Chewaucan River: The Water Is Already Starting To Approach Summer Flows
Gerber Reservoir: Targeting Yellow Perch is Your Best Bet
Holbrook Reservoir: No Recent Fishing Stories From This Reservoir
Upper Klamath Lake: Boat Ramps Are Open
Lofton Reservoir: Last Week People Were Catching Fish on the Bank With Lures
Sky Lakes Wilderness Lakes: All Lakes are Accessible
Sprague River: Fishing is Fair For Redband Trout
North Fork Sprague River: Flows Have Dropped Significantly to Around 33 cfs
Sun Creek: Fishing is Not Recommended at This Time. Flows Are At 11cfs
Willow Valley Reservoir: Best Fished From a Boat if You Can Launch
Pacific halibut sport fishing in Columbia River Subarea closes June 25, backup dates opened in the Central Coast Subarea
Columbia River
NEWPORT, Ore – Beginning June 25, the Pacific halibut all-depth and nearshore sport fishery is closed in the Columbia River...... Read More

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