Siletz River - Fall Chinook fishing has picked up on the Siletz estuary - August 31, 2022

Fall Chinook fishing has picked up on the Siletz estuary

Siletz River - Lincoln City, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Summer steelhead fishing has slowed down with the low water conditions but there are still fish holding throughout the system, especially in the upper river sections of the gorge. Summer steelhead will be around to be caught throughout September and October. The peak for summer steelhead is typically June-August.

Fall Chinook fishing has picked up on the Siletz estuary and there are some nice fish being caught every day. Fishing will continue to improve through September as more fish move into the system on each tide.

Cutthroat trout are also abundant and available throughout the Siletz basin, check the regulations for opens areas and bag limits. Trout fishing in streams closes on Oct. 31.

Summer steelhead fishing continues to be fair
Nestucca River

Fall Chinook fishing in the Nestucca is slow as we are still early for this run, which really doesn’t kick...... Read More