Fish Lake is 52 percent full

Fish Lake - Lakecreek, OR (Jackson County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Fish Lake is 52 percent full. Both the resort and USFS boat ramps are open. Fishing for rainbow trout and landlocked spring chinook salmon should be fair to good depending on water conditions.‌

Water clarity was good in early August and the surface temperature was a relatively modest 71F, but temperatures will likely increase in the next week.‌

Aquatic vegetation may make trolling difficult, but anglers can try trolling flatfish or wedding rings spiked with worms. Still fishing with PowerBait can be very effective, and spinners cast from shore are often productive. ‌

Any tiger trout caught should be immediately released unharmed. Anglers are encouraged to report their catch or any other fish stories to Rogue Fish District Staff 541-826-8774

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, August 9th, 2023
Chewaucan River: Chewaucan River Fishing Report
Cottonwood Reservoir: Cottonwood Reservoir Fishing Report
Dead Horse Lake: Dead Horse Lake Fishing Report
Duncan Reservoir: Duncan Reservoir Fishing Report
Heart Lake: Heart Lake Fishing Report